Friday, November 6, 2009

Two sets of mass killings.

In Cleveland at least eleven bodies have been found in the home of a man with a record of rape. There was a terrible stench from this house for years. This was reported to the police. Relatives of missing women, mostly black, have been reporting this to the cops for years. One woman tried to report her missing niece to three different police stations and none would take the report. The refusal of the cops to take these reports and to investigate this house is because the area where the house is located and where the women were missing is very poor and overwhelmingly black. Missing poor black women are not worth being sought after is the message the cops were giving out. American capitalism is a sick racist and class ridden society.

Then yesterday down at Fort Hood in Texas we had the killing of a dozen soldiers allegedly by another US army officer. We need to be careful about drawing too many conclusions. There might be more than meets the eye. The man alleged to have done the shooting was reported to be dead, then six hours after the shooting he was reported to be alive. So we need to be cautious. But whatever about the details this killing is a sign of US over reach. They are fighting two major wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as the beginnings of one in Pakistan. The US does not have the economic, military or personal resources to do this. In particular it is putting huge pressures on the members of the military who are going for one and more tours to fight.

The alleged shooter in Fort Hood was a doctor. He dealt with the many problems of the young people returning. In particular as a psychiatrist he dealt with the young people coming back with terrible mental wounds. He was about to be sent to Iraq himself. His family were from the Middle east originally. He was harassed in the military because he was a muslim. He did not want to go Iraq. He was trying to get out of the US military. This shooting in Fort Hood is a sign of the beginning of cracks in the US military. It is bogged down in its wars and occupations. US imperialism is going to pay a big price for its over confidence and arrogance. Unfortunately because the labor leaders will not mobilize an anti war movement of a mass character many young US working class people and many young people in other lands will die before the monster of US Imperialism, which sends young people to their death will be overthrown.


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