Saturday, November 7, 2009

Over ten million

US capitalism has now got over 10% of its workforce to whom it cannot provide jobs. This is 15.7 million people. Yes, 15.7 million people. More than the population of many countries. Over five hundred thousand, half a million, people were added to this total in October alone. According to the Wall Street Journal there are another 20 million people reliant on the 10% who have no jobs.

We have to use our imagination. No work and soon no income. Tens of millions in this situation and tens of millions more worried they will soon be in this situation. Poverty and unemployment. No gainful satisfying way to use their time. No income sufficient to make ends meet. No health care. One of the most savage affects of capitalism is insecurity. Never knowing what lies ahead.

We have consistently argued on this blog that capitalism has forfeited its right to rule. We repeat it here today. Any system that cannot give work to at least 15.7 million people has no right to exist. It is a decayed and obsolete system. It must be overthrown.

Contact us to help in the struggle to end capitalism. Either just send us your contact information so we may talk and hopefully work together. Or do this and at the same time send us a donation to help us with our work. Or just send us a donation. See donate icon on this page.

To finish here are a few thoughts from Marx.

On unemployment.

"The whole form of the movement of modern industry depends upon the constant transformation of a part of the laboring population into unemployed or half-employed hands."

On revolution.

"Revolutionary upheavals periodically recur in history."

"In the beginning, the revolutionary measures appear economically insufficient and untenable, but in the course of the movement, they outstrip themselves."

"Doctrinaire and utopian predictions about the future revolution only divert us from the reality of the present class struggle."

"Of all the classes that stand face to face with the bourgeoisie today, the proletariat alone is a really revolutionary class."

"The revolutionary (proletarian) class holds the future in its hands."

Some thoughts from Marx.


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