It was a little disappointing, but no surprise that the Norwegians didn’t pick Cindy Sheehan for the Nobel Peace Prize this year. The mother of a US soldier killed in war and someone who has fought vigilantly for peace was passed over. Instead the political head of US capitalism and its foreign interests was picked. You could even hear the routinely cynical press corps’ gasps, they were so loud.
Obama was the first US President in close to a hundred years to win the prize. Mmmm. It’s the equivalent of Lyndon Johnson winning it in 1966: a man that is now seen as the architect of the Vietnam War. Historical similarities are always limited, however in 1964 Johnson was elected as a man of change, for a new deal and for peace. He was also someone that defended a corrupt governments and corrupt elections in Vietnam and elsewhere.
In March this year Obama pledged to “properly resource this war of necessity.” What are the resources of war: bombs, guns and working class kids to fire them. This is not peace in any concept. Well, in the Orwellian world it is.
Obama’s Veteran Secretary is General Eric Shinseki, a man who in 2003 called for an escalation of troops in the middle east to “pacify Iraq.”
There are countless examples of how the US government, has backed violence for capitalism’s strategic and other objectives. But then the prize is not from the working class of Norway, but from a private corporate estate/foundation.
But let’s not forget War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery and Ignorance is Strength.
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