Thirty nine years ago when I was barely out of my teens I found myself on a train to Baghdad. I was in Istanbul with no money and wanted to go to Kuwait and get rich working on oil fields. I bought a black market student card from a very talented Scotsman and took the train for around $4 if my memory serves me right.
I didn't get first class for that and at night slept on the floor in between the seats in a compartment or out in the railway carriage hallway. I woke up one morning and the first thing I saw was an Iraqi woman dressed in tradition garb, breastfeeding her child. She looked back at me and never bat an eyelid. I said good morning to everyone and went off to clean my teeth in the bathroom. I never saw too much of that in Britain. I do know that I was breast fed and so was my son and he was healthier for it.
I see that the woman who was thrown off the plane in the US for breastfeeding her baby three years ago is filing a lawsuit. The action caused numerous "nurse ins" in airports around the country. What a strange place this is. It is the capital of porn. We are bombarded with ads these days telling us we can make our penises bigger and that our wives or girlfriends are elated by this. Sex is used to sell everything from toothpaste to car insurance. But a woman can't breastfeed her child in public without feeling she is doing something wrong. Above: Can men can do it too?

So this blog posting is in support of the woman who stood her ground and fed her kid. As for the pics, hopefully they'll help those that think its obscene get over their phobia.
Above: two happy, well-fed babies
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