Saturday, March 14, 2009

The US government can't break the law. Or can it?

AIG, what was the world's largest insurance company before it collapsed and was bailed out three times by the US taxpayer to the tune of $170 billion, is being very cooperative. AP reports it has "agreed to administration demands to restructure some of its corporate bonuses."

However, it will still pay out millions in bonuses, $165 million according to reports, to the swindlers after the US treasury department announced it cannot legally stop them because the government can't legally stop them. Timothy Geitner, the treasury secretary and former world bank employee who forgot to pay taxes has demanded the the firm now owned by the US government "scale back future bonus payments where legally possible."

Well isn't that something. The US government can bomb countries illegally (Cambodia, Iraq) Overthrow governments illegally (too many to mention but Iran and Guatemala in 1953-54 and Chile 1973 come to mind) Assassinate foreign politicians (Allende and numerous other Latin American reformers). It can install in place of Democratic regimes ruthless murderers (Shah of Iran, Mobutu of Congo) It has supported and armed some of the world's worst mass murderers (excluding the domestic examples like Henry Kissinger and Donald Rumsfeld there is Osama bin Laden, Suharto, Pinochet, Marcos to name a few).

But its respect for the law is so profound, its moral fiber so great, it can't stop the thieves at AIG walking away with millions of dollars of taxpayer money in bonuses after already receiving billions from the taxpayer to keep their wrecked business afloat.

We have written many times on this blog that they have forfeited their right to run society. They have forfeited their right to manage our money and to manage the material forces that produce the necessities of life.

The capitalist class is bankrupt.

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