I enclose a few ideas of Engels below for consideration. Engels wrote "Theory counts for nothing until imposed by necessity."
Capitalism is going through its worst crisis since the 1930's. Under Bush and his swindling capitalist crew and now with Obama and his new swindling capitalist crew desperate efforts are being made by these people to revive their system. This will not work. Worse financial crises lies ahead. The International Labor Organization, an arm of the UN, says "in the upcoming months there will be fifty million more unemployed in the world due to the global economic decline....... and some two hundred million workers in developing countries could be pushed into extreme poverty." It is estimated that over the next six months 73 thousand companies will be closed down in the US alone. Fifty million more with no jobs. This is staggering. A staggering crisis of capitalism. This will impose new ideas on a lot of people.
Many of us, including those of us who run this blog are revolutionary socialists. We base ourselves on the theory that capitalism does not work. During the years of boom and new technology it looked like this theory was wrong. But events are changing. Capitalism is going through its worst crisis since the 1930's. New ideas are "being imposed by necessity." These new ideas are the necessity of the failure and contradictions of capitalism, this will change the ideas and consciousness of the mass of the working class. One of the results will be a a mass movement towards looking for an alternative to capitalism. As our theory is imposed by the necessity of the catastrophic crisis of capitalism, then this theory, marxism, will begin to put down down mass roots and become a mass force.
As we look forward to this we should also consider another idea expressed by Engels. He wrote: "The real movement always looks different to what it ought to have done in the eyes of those who were took part in preparing it." As we prepare for this great new workers movement to come, this alternative to capitalism, we have to make sure we do not have a rigid view of what it will look like, we have to be flexible and be prepared to assist this movement and intervene in this movement so that it can find its way to challenge the criminal crews of capitalism and their criminal representatives in the Republican and Democratic parties in Washington and in all the Washingtons throughout the world.
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