Thursday, November 20, 2008

Surrounded by lies and hypocrisy.

I was driving home last night and listening to the radio. The auto bosses were on pleading for money. Each of them had flown to Washington on their company's own private jet at the cost of about $20,000 each. They are clearly not getting the picture. I believe our solution is the best. Nationalize the auto industry under workers control and management with compensation on the basis of proven need only. 

Later reading the bosses' paper, The Wall Street Journal, I saw it was talking about how CEO's snuck money out of their companies before they went broke. Lehman Brothers CEO took $184.6 million between 2003 and 2007. Bears Stearn CEO took $163.2 million. And while it has not gone broke Charles R Schwab CEO took $816.6 million over this period. These people like all the top CEO's and management are a bunch of robbers. What they swindled should be taken back from them. 

As revolutionary socialists we do not accept that company books should be secret. Our demand is "Open the Books." We want to see what money is there and what money has been there and where it went.  If, when we open the books, there is money there then we want our demands met, if we find there is no money there then we want to know why and if the money has been taken by management and shareholders we want it back. And if the company is completely bankrupt and we cannot trace any money anywhere then this shows that management have forfeited all right to manage and we want it nationalized under workers control and management with compensation only on the basis of proven need. This is the transitional method. That is a method which helps the working class make the transition from where they are at present, thinking that the present system is the only alternative, to coming to the conclusion that the present system can be challenged and an alternative system built. 

As I was reading the paper another item came on the radio. This was about Iran and the need for it to act in a way that would allow it to be "accepted again in the International Community." I started to think about this - the International Community. I wondered, was I part of the International Community. What was the International Community. It is not hard to figure it out. The International Community is the Imperialist countries dominated by US Imperialism and those countries that go along with them. If countries do not go along they are not in the International Community and so they are squeezed and pressurized in every way to make them knuckle under. Including invasion such as Iraq, Afghanistan and now the increasing raids in Pakistan. The International Community, such a mild sounding name for such a vicious militaristic and imperialist outfit. I am proud I am not part of it. 


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