Tuesday, November 25, 2008

the financial houses.

The Bush government and the coming Obama government have the same policy in relation to the banks and financial houses. Bail them out. We do not agree. We believe in nationalizing them under workers control and management. 

In 1974 there was a revolution in Portugal with the working class and military rising up and throwing out the dictatorship. During this great event the bank workers organized and went on to occupy the banks and refused to leave until they were nationalized. 

What about some action aimed at the bank and finance workers here. How about a drive to unionize the workers in the banks and financial institutions. These workers know all the swindles that have been going on and they are under threat of massive job losses. I am not talking of course about organizing the top swindlers just about the majority of people who work in these places who do the filing and typing and cleaning and so on. The people who actually keep them going.

Unionize the workers in the banks and financial houses. Nationalize the banks and financial houses under workers control and management with compensation only on the basis of proven need. Use the capital in the newly nationalized financial institution to solve the problem of people in homes they cannot afford, renegoiate mortgages to they are no more than 15% of income, use the rest of the capital in this newly nationalized financial institution to build homes, roads, schools, hospitals, bridges and create union jobs with union benefits and conditions. 

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