Wednesday, October 22, 2008

more nationalization.

I see that Argentina has decided to nationalize what was its private pension plan. At the same time the US Federal Reserve has announced it will boost money market funds by loaning them  $540 billion and the French government is lending six French banks $14 billion on the basis they promise to increase their lending. As a number of us have said on this blog the capitalist class always said there was never any money for health care, to fight poverty, for education, but when they are faced with bankruptcy they can find plenty of money and rush it into the economy. 

I was thinking about how Marx is getting popular again as the capitalist crisis confirms his analysis. So I went through my copy of the Karl Marx dictionary the other night. I was tired so I skipped the parts on surplus value and the tendency of the rate of profit to fall and went to parts where I might find some of his ideas on topics not usually associated with him. Here is what he said about love. "You can exchange love only for love." Yes wee Karl. "Aloneness. As soon as I am not alone, I am another - another reality." And back to what is more widely thought of as Marx' views. "Of all the classes that stand face to face with the bourgeoisie today, the proletariat alone is a really revolutionary class."

Just a few ideas. sean 

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