Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Forfeited the right to exist.

This blog believes that capitalism has forfeited the right to exist. It is destroying the planet and it condemns the majority of the people on it to mass poverty. Any system which does this no longer has the right to exist.

According to the United nations the present financial crisis of capitalism will add 20 million people to the unemployment lists. This will bring the total unemployed in the world to 210 million. Think about this. 

We need fresh water, good food, good homes, education and health care for all the people of the world. Yet while these needs exist capitalism is throwing more and more people out of work.It is like there were ten members of your family and the your house needed fixed and you forced more members not to help fix it. This would be insane. Just like this capitalist system is insane. 210 million people out of work is a staggering waste of resources. 

A democratic socialist plan of production would take the capital of the world which capitalism squanders in speculation and put it to work in a productive way, that is precisely to build the necessary plant and infrastructure for clean water, good food, good homes, education and health. And in the process this would give jobs to the 210 million unemployed. Any system that keeps 210 million people out of work is a failed and rotten system. 

Contact Facts For Working People and help us work to end it. 

Just a detail on the elections. There is no doubt a great enthusiasm amongst millions for Barak Obama. There were 100,000 at one of his rallies yesterday. The Republicans are throwing everything at him including saying he is a socialist. The red scare is alive and well. 

It should be noted however that the election of Barak Obama will not see a change in economic policies in this country to benefit the working class. His main policy adviser is Paul Volcker, as the Wall Street Journal describes him: "a hero of the right and a supporter of a strong dollar." This man was head of the Federal Reserve from 1979 to 1987 and was responsible for tipping the economy into the deepest recession since the great depression.

This blog stand for a mass workers party. The working class must have its own party. The Democrats and the Republicans are two parties of capitalism, of the capitalist class. For a workers party with democratic socialist policies. 


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