Monday, September 29, 2008

capitalism. Worse than you can ever imagine

Our family has a friend in Cook County jail. We had to communicate on the phone over the weekend. She could not just make a collect call. We had to set up a special account on our number for her to use. The rates? The same as the rate for an international call to Ireland. And part of this money goes to the jail. $800 billion bail out for the rich and sticking it to the poor. 

I sometimes have to go to Cook County hospital. This is the hospital for the poor in Chicago. If you have to park there it is a quarter for fifteen minutes. In other parts of the city where much better off people live it is a quarter for half an hour or in some cases an hour. Again sticking it to the poor. 

This capitalist system is rotten.  For us to have any self respect we have to be involved in trying to end it and replace it with a system that has as its priority providing a decent life for all. This can only be a democratic socialist system. Send the Paulsons and the Bernankes and the Greenspans and the Bushs back to where they belong.... as far from the levers of power as possible.  Take the wealth and plunder off them and redistribute it.  

There is an alternative. The past weeks have torn the mask of capitalism. When they are making money they say the state should not help anybody especially the poor as this will take away their incentive to work. But when they get into trouble with their theft and plundering they run pleading and whining and begging to the state for a bail out. What about the affect on their incentive. Not a word about it. Capitalism has to go. As wee Marx said it is a system that cannot solve the problems of humanity. 


1 comment:

Richard Mellor said...

I was checking phone rates the other day. I have this third party calling. I noticed that a call to Israel is 2 cents a minute, same as Britain.

But a call to Palestine,the Palestinian Authority as they call it, ranges from 29c to 34c a minute so the poorest people get the worst deal, another way of isolating the poor and in this case, the Palestinians.