Monday, September 29, 2008

Anyone here vote for Warren Buffet?

The Financial Times reports today that, "Democratic legislators said they had earlier spoken by telephone to Warren Buffet, the billionaire investor, who warned them of, "the biggest financial meltdown in American history if they failed to act.""

Wait a minute! How come the advice of one person is more important than the voice of millions? You might ask. Most Americans are opposed to bailing out these swindlers. It's because it is the unelected rulers of society like Buffet who make the decisions in a capitalist society. This shows the limitations of voting rights. This crisis has stripped the mask from capitalism as another post says.

As big as Buffet is, and this swindler has accumulated as much wealth as millions of the world's people, he cannot save capitalism alone, he needs the help of the working class and socialist measures to save the rotten system that allows and perpetuates such theft and the crises that accompany it. The rich are OK with socialism, they just oppose it for the rest of us.

Here is a letter to the editor from my local paper today. Like the man who dropped off nine children at a fire station because he was "overwhelmed" and unable to take care of them since the death of his wife, we will see more of this sort of thing as our living standards are savaged to pay for the $700bn plus interest that will be borrowed on our behalf by Buffet's friends.

Editor - As I was walking down Mission Street recently, I saw what appeared to be another homeless man, bearded, wearied, on his last legs. But something about him was vaguely familiar. As I bent down to see if I could help him, I was shocked to realize it was my uncle. Just eight years ago he was robust, in a good financial position and had lots of great friends. But I kind of lost touch with him; he became distant and introverted. Some people said he became a drunk or an addict.

Now as I bend over to help, he asks me for money, not even recognizing me or wondering who I might be. His eyes are glazed over; he says he has no friends. He is alone.

His name is Sam.

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