Thursday, August 28, 2008

Biden the Worker

So Biden is also just a working class stiff. He is stressing his "working class" roots says the Wall Street Journal. The working class in the US only exists during election cycles, the rest of the time we're all middle class.

Biden does pretty well in Delaware though. It's the state where the major corporations register themselves and file for bankruptcy. It is to the corporations what Panama or the Marshall Islands is to shipping.

Legislation was introduced in 2005 that would have eliminated the state of incorporation as the basis for choosing a bankruptcy filing venue; Biden squashed it.

Attorney's from Delaware law firms have contributed $1,ooo,ooo to Biden since 2002.

Not bad for an aw shucks sort of working guy.

But they need the votes don't they. There's more of us than them and they can't elect themselves in to office without our votes.


wendy said...


mutt said...

yeah, well- the Dems as you folks well know, are very much part of the problem. I was skeptical of Obama,
(steady there, skepticism is a virtue) and Biden is waytoo much of a compromised servant of our corporate overlords.
Meanwhile, Im keepin my eye on this particular ball. Dont see the Dems as friends here, either....

Richard Mellor said...

The biggest criminals are the Labor leaders. They have the ability to offer an alternative. Instead, they are spending hundreds of millions of dollars and providing hundreds of thousands of volunteers all to get a Obama, a Wall Street candidate, elected to the presidency.

It makes me sick when I hear the big business politicians talk about the troops and what heroes they are. They don't give a damn about them, just use them for propaganda purposes and then abandon them when they return.

I just lost a friend from work who died of a cancer, a rare soft muscle tissue cancer caused by Agent Orange, still killing after all these years. And the Vietnamese are still being born deformed because of it on top of the three million that were killed in the war; a country that never attacked the US.

These are some ruthless bastards alright