Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Former British Soldier EXPOSES King Charles

I swear that I will pay true allegiance to my human sisters and brothers whom I share this fleeting, momentary blink of life on this planet with.

To my class, those who are subjugated into selling chunks of their precious existence for the mere right to sleep with food in their bellies.

And to every single person who is earnestly and wholeheartedly working to undermine, abolish, and crush ultimately into the thoughtless dusts of time the disgusting and hideous Windsor family and the foul and insipid institution of the monarchy, with or without the support of the law, forsaking any and all popular support, or personal gain or safety, with unwavering resolve and cast-iron principle, until the day my body ceases to be my vessel and I leave this mortal plane.

So help me God.
Tom Freeman 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh shit!!!