Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Are Sara Nelson and Sean O'Brien a New Breed of Militant Labor Leaders?

Richard Mellor

Afscme Local 444, retired

I disagreed with TDU's description of the election of Sean O'Brien to lead the Teamsters as a "militant" change in leadership, even a significant change, though they could be. I also have disagreed with those that claim Sara Nelson of the Association of Flight Attendant is a significant difference when compared to the present leadership of the AFL-CO of which she's a part.

Like the present leadership of organized labor, Sara Nelson is committed to the Democratic Party and has said nothing that would lead me to believe she is fundamentally different to them on the important issues of concern to US workers. I made this video in response to someone who suggested that I do not recognize that union leaders like O'Brien and Nelson are fundamentally different from the present class collaborationist, pro-management leadership of today.

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