Saturday, November 13, 2021

How Long Will The US Working Class Tolerate This abuse Pt 2

Richard Mellor
Afscme Local 444, retired

"Capitalism teaches the people the moral conceptions of cannibalism are the strong devouring the weak; its theory of the world of men and women is that of a glorified pig-trough where the biggest swine gets the most swill.” James Connolly 1910

I am not trying to spread meaningless propaganda here. But consider the two examples of good old fashioned capitalist innovation I give in the video. Most workers would cringe at such behavior or activity. yet we look up to this sort of behavior. We praise innovation and entrepreneurship.  But in the real world we abhor such activity.

We condemn some poor person who robs a senior citizen and rightly so. "Lock 'em up", I read frequently on the neighborhood site Next Door, whenever local crimes are reported. Yet we praise the people whose treatment of the weak, the infirm, the vulnerable is so heinous thousands upon thousands are affected by it; thousands die from it.

Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson and all their class colleagues, including their paid mouthpieces in the mass media the body politic an so on, are considered the cream of society, the people that make the world go round yet they are parasites.They truly have no nationality, they are representatives of global capitalism and citizens of the world. Their wealth has its source in the labor of others. As my mum use to remind me, you can't get rich working.

No readers, or watchers, our enemies, the people that hurt us the most, are right in our back yard. We should be disgusted at the two examples of healthy business practices I give here. They are not the exception, they are the rule. They are the proponents of a social system that is cruel, violent and exploitative.

We will never be free, we can never save the Earth, if we do not send this system in to the  garbage can of history where it belongs; it has reached the end of its shelf life.

Society needs new managers.

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