Wednesday, November 4, 2020

One Of The Most Powerful Responses To Racism and Police Violence Was This One.

Richard Mellor
Afscme Local 444,retired

Readers of this blog are aware of my political views and that I support neither of the two parties of capitalism, the Republicans Party, which has become the party of white nationalists, religious fanatics and more, and the Democrats, both enemies of the working class and complicit in the driving down of living standards and conditions of the US worker. They are both funded by corporations and Wall Street.

But, so many people have told me in the past 12 hours how emotional the elections have been for them so far coming on top of the past four years. How millions upon millions could have voted for the degenerate racist and serial sexual abuser Donald Trump. A friend of mine just said that how can they not feel sympathy, kinship and solidarity with Black folks in this situation. While Biden and the Democrats, are no serious opposition there is undoubtedly a difference with Trump who  has drawn from under the dung heap, the racists, white nationalists and other variations of fascism like the KKK and the Nazis. 

Along with them are the "blue lives matter" proponents, almost always white Americans, who were seething over Colin Kaepernick's mild protest at football games over the murder of Black people by the cops; ruined their Sunday sport. They are people who have never lifted a finger, never uttered a sound never written a sentence about the injustices so many people experience in US society, especially the Black populations. Are they so cretinous that they think we believe they are concerned for any lives but their own, even a cops. No, they are driven to make a statement, perhaps the first political one in their lives, to counter the righteous slogan Black Lives Matter, raised in the wake of murder and killing of unarmed Black people, some in the back, fleeing what they perceived was a certain death by assassination.

A right winger, a wife of a former co-worker, posted a long rant about why people like her defend Trump, this is a person whose family has benefited from a public sector job that prior to the Civil Rights Movement, Blacks were excluded from and which Trump condemns. The bizarre rant included this insult to liberals, "You love to sell “victim-hood” to people of color every chance you get because it’s such an easy sell compared to actually teaching people to stand on their own two feet and take personal responsibility for their own lives and their own communities and their own futures."

For this privileged Trumpette, Black people or any other marginalized people are responsible for their own conditions, they need to stand on their own two feet. Those Native Americans just ran eagerly to the reservations, offered their land up with glee to the settler and the poor struggling, drug addicted West Virginian, well you only have yourself to blame. This woman's family has benefited from the very programs Trump despises.

The statement in the video above is more powerful than all the liberal whining about fairness (not all liberals whine some are genuine)  or the speeches on CNN or MSNBC about racism and police brutality. It comes from the heart, it is the truth and it is human. But the Trumpette and those that deny Black folks their version of history, or whose response to Black Lives Matter, is Blue Lives Matter, or All Lives Matter,  are a sad reflection of the degeneration of one's humanity is a society that has no morals except the accumulation of money.

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