Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Are You A Racist If....?

I know a fair few people that voted for Trump on one issue only--Abortion. This is a very narrow minded view of the world and, as I pointed out in the blog post I put up a week or two ago, the epitome of hypocrisy if you haven't opposed US wars that have murdered and/or displaced millions of children, or Trump's placing of children in cages and separating them from their parents, then you are a racist.

Why are you a racist? If you do not recognize his racism. If you do not give Black people and other people of color their fear of his racism, of his supporting of racist and white supremacist groups credibility; how can you not be a racist? In other words, if you don't validate these fears and dismiss them by placing your own personal choice not to have an abortion which is your right, above the righteous fear they have of racial violence; you are definitely racist.

I realize that there are people that don't consider themselves racists that hold this position. But that's not an excuse. If you hold this position you need to think long and hard about what that means to people that don't look like you. Because in a country where the ruling class looks like you, you have a get out of jail card.
I am adding this later. I meant to mention that the impetus for writing this came from a young friend of mine, a Black woman who made this very point to me.

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