Friday, September 4, 2020

Was the Pope Wrong? Was I Tricked?

I spent time trying to find this quote from a Native American who described how they saw the world and it was much more akin to what Sagan describes in the video than the Judeo/Christian Bible or any other religious tracts.

Steve Moore, president of NexLeader, said, “The Genesis account answers the question ‘Who?’ much more than ‘How?’” Another leader predicted that “many of us will be surprised when God explains just how he did it.”

Genesis 2:7 says, God "formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being."  

Creationists accept that their god has always existed and cannot explain why; its the truth. But when it comes to accepting that what is has always existed , it simply "is", that it's just organic life, they refuse to apply the same logic. This despite the obvious, that everything we do know, that lightening is not god's anger, that there is a sliver of genetic material that differentiates the human species from the Chimpanzee, has come about throughout scientific discovery and surppressed by religious philosophy.

Faith is fine as faith but not as a means of understanding the world. As I asked a young guy with a tee shirt that said "I always follow Jesus", "Would you follow Jesus through the red light?" "Of course", he answered, never fearing that such an occasion would occur.

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