Saturday, December 14, 2019

Only The Ignorant and the Arrogant Support Trump's Wall

Richard Mellor
The title on You Tube is a little misleading as Chomsky is not just talking about religion here. He talks about religion and about the role of the US in Latin America. Next time you hear people talk about immigrants coming north remember this information. There can be no serious discussion about immigration without honestly discussing the role of the US imperialism in Latin America or immigration in Europe without the role of European colonialism in Africa.

Millions of US workers have no understanding of the role of US capitalism in Latin America. Assassinations, torture, murder of any forces, trade union leaders, democrats, socialists, religious leaders, that threatened US capitalism's plunder of the region and the profits of its corporations. The right of US capital to go where it wants, do what it wants unfettered by any regulation, trade union or political movement had to be guaranteed.

The US was threatened by the Liberation Theology movement and its trained assassins and was behind the murder of Archbishop Romero and other nuns and priests.

Hundreds of thousands of Central Americans, particularly from the indigenous population fled US backed fascists gangs. Many of the people we see in LA or on the streets of Bay Area cities seeking employment, what we call day laborers, fled this violence just like the Irish fled English colonial violence.

The US taxpayer funded the cause of this exodus, these millions or so refugees who are then attacked, harassed, murdered and mocked for coming here. Some support building a wall to keep them out and support the Predator in Chief Donald Trump spending much needed money to build it, Trump who calls Mexicans animals and criminals and who berates a 16 year old girl publicly on social media.

It's inconceivable that someone can seriously complain about immigrants from Mexico and Central America coming north. When people take the time to drag themselves away from ESPN or obsessing over the Kardashians,' latest sexploits, and do a little investigation, they'll see the real cause that leads people to leave their homes, families and loved ones risking their lives to get here.

The working class and poor populations beyond our southern border would have benefited more had a wall been built to keep US imperialism out.

I asked a woman recently why she voted for Trump, what was it that he promised to do that won her vote. She had a hard time at first but then said to me, "the wall." Just like that, "the wall".  I just nodded and had no intention of getting in to it as she was assigning me a birth at a campground at the time. But I did briefly respond, "I was a bit put off by him being endorsed by the Nazis and the KKK." I said calmly. Her chin dropped, she had no idea.

Ignorance isn't really bliss for the ignorant. But for the rest of us, the victims of the ignorant, it can be devastating.

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