Wednesday, July 24, 2019

US Corporate Media Complicit in Protecting Mass Killers.

Richard Mellore

This is worth watching. As I did so I thought about people like Blair, Bush, Wolfowitz, Pearl Rumsfeld. These people are war criminals guilty of mass murder. The US Congress and Obama who followed the imbecile Bush are all guilty of mass murder.

Look up Frank Kozer who is mentioned in this video and it is hard to find much about him. He is the individual from the NSA in this video who contacted Britain's equivalent of the GCHQ, to urge the British to assist the US in bribing, cajoling, threatening and doing what it would take to get 6 countries to support going to war in Iraq. The Iraqi people had already been through hell and some 500,000 mainly women and children had died through the US imposed sanctions. Madeline Albright, another mass killer, said on national TV, these deaths were "worth it."

British prime minister Blair was part of the plan, another killer. Powell, the US general, all of them killers. We saw next to nothing about this woman's heroic actions on behalf of freedom here in the US. This is why Assange and Wilkileaks should be defended and why the US ruling class hates him so much.  Wikileaks exposed their phony diplomacy, the diplomacy of thieves and liars, murders and killers. They don't have the courage or will to kill themselves in the main, they organize killing.

The mass media in the US and its counterpart in the UK portrays these politicians and their system as just, almost divine, the fount of knowledge and human culture. We should be grateful to Wikileaks and people like this woman that through their efforts attempt to expose the hypocrisy and make social fact what we know deep down. When you watch or read our mass media and there is handling of top politicians and presidential figures as if they were decent human beings, think about how the victims and the relatives of the victims and the dead, feel about their polices.  The Iraqi's have had their country destroyed, over one million dead and hundreds of thousands displaced.

There is a film coming out next month based on this whistlblower's story. It's called"Official Secrets".

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