Friday, December 14, 2018

Opinion: Brexit Will Make You Poorer

From Nick T in London

Labour has played a canny game but I think the time is fast approaching when they need to get off the fence.

Brexit is a right wing nationalist project - just look at who is leading it. I could never associate myself with something pressed forward by Johnson, Farage, Duncan-Smith et al with Trump and Murdoch also firmly behind it.

I don’t understand Lexit - what does it mean ? The problems in British society are caused by capitalism not the EU. It is very difficult to build support for socialism in a sea of nationalism - look at the polls where Labour is level or even behind this shower. That's largely down to Brexit with many working class communities fearing that Labour will unravel the referendum whereas the Tories will deliver the change they voted for.

You can’t build socialism in one country or by retreating behind the borders of our little island. Socialism is international or nothing. The job of socialists should be to transform the EU and its member states - not help break them apart in the wave of right wing nationalism which is a symptom of neoliberalism failing across Europe.

Labour needs to get into the working class communities that voted Leave and to say to them we fully understand your anger at decades of neglect and why you voted the way you did. We need change but that won’t be aided by leaving the EU. The Brexit project is about making you poorer with a low wage deregulated economy.

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