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Florida students protest gun violence at the state capital in Tallahassee Source WSJ |
Youth Show the Way
We have just had another school shooting. The gun manufacturers
lobby repeats the lies and propaganda that all is well and full steam ahead.
The National Rifle Association (NRA) organizes these people. The NRA is a front
for the gun industry which is motivated by selling as many guns as possible and
making as much profit as possible and to hell with killings and suicides. They
pile one lie on another to try and justify their gun sales and their profits
which are dripping in blood. These people and their profit driven backers are
trying to avoid any new gun laws and any new move to restrict gun sales.
Their strategy is to focus on mental illness and stall and hope the anger fades. They are desperate to convince people that there is nothing wrong with society; it’s just crazy people. In this way they can prevent any laws to restrict gun sales. This time they are having a hard time of it; they have underestimated the mood in society. Their intimidated gang of capitalist politicians are cracking and major corporations are pulling away from them. It looks like this time they will suffer a defeat.
Their strategy is to focus on mental illness and stall and hope the anger fades. They are desperate to convince people that there is nothing wrong with society; it’s just crazy people. In this way they can prevent any laws to restrict gun sales. This time they are having a hard time of it; they have underestimated the mood in society. Their intimidated gang of capitalist politicians are cracking and major corporations are pulling away from them. It looks like this time they will suffer a defeat.
Killings by guns is 25 times higher on average in the US than other
economically advanced capitalist countries. So is the US population 25
times more mentally ill than people in these other countries? These people
should think about what they are saying. If what they say was true this
would mean that US capitalism was 25 times more destructive to mental health than
capitalism in any other economically advanced capitalist country. This
alone would be a condemnation of US capitalism. No more would have to be said.
These elements in their desperation are condemning their own capitalist system.
This point is not driven home because there is no mass workers or left party to
do so.
The privately owned, profit-addicted capitalist corporations, their
political parties and state, dominate the discourse and culture in the US more
than any other advanced capitalist country. The result is that life is more
difficult for the majority of the population than in any other economically
advanced capitalist country. People have to work harder, take on more jobs.
People are disrespected more at their work and in their communities than in any
other advanced capitalist country. Working people are more alienated from their
labor and their work, have less control over their labor and input in the
workplace and what they produce than any other economically advanced capitalist
The communities and families in US capitalist society are under more
pressure economically, socially, politically and ideologically than in any
other advanced capitalist country, are alienated to a much greater
degree. This leads to great confusion, frustration and anger. Along with this
there is the non-stop mass media and propaganda machine of capitalism, the
propaganda in the movies, TV and advertising and the violent video games all of
which push individualistic and violent images. Added to this is the vicious divide and rule, racist, sexist and other social divisions and at
all times the fear of foreigners and immigrants.
Under this assault the US working class has a weak sense of history and low
class consciousness. The reason for this is the role of the pro-capitalist
trade union leaders who hold back the 14 million strong trade union movement,
the organized sector of the working class, and prevent them from gaining access
to this history and from fighting to change society. This potential power
could transform class relations in society and initiate a generalized working
class movement that could drive back the capitalist offensive.
These trade union leaders hide the true history of US capitalism and the US
and international working class from their members and from the US working
class as a whole. They don't even use the term working class substituting middle class instead. This results in people not being able to find their role in
society. People cannot find a positive way to respond to and fight against the
madness of US society. If you are under attack it is crucial to be able
identify your attacker and direct your rage and anger and fight back at that
attacker; in this case US capitalism.
This is the positive way to respond. But if you cannot identify your
attacker and take on, confront and fight this attacker, then your anger and
alienation finds somewhere else to go. The result is people becoming more
susceptible to racism, sexism, nationalism and the divide and rule propaganda
of capitalism. Day in and day out, the population is prevented from seeing that the problem is
capitalism. Capitalism must not be blamed and confronted.
The truth is, it is not those people who are a different color, a different
sex, a different sexual orientation or religion maybe a different nationality
that are the problem. It is not that school authority that just expelled you,
that casino town that does not recognize your genius, that partner who made you
angry that is the problem. And perhaps the most destructive of all, it is
not you personally that is the problem. It is not your fault you are poor,
unable to find a job, don’t have time for your kids, have failed to provide for
your family. The system is stacked against you.
There is no doubt that self blame is a huge factor in the 62% of
firearm deaths in the US that are suicides. What these suicides represent in the main are not individual weaknesses or
personal failures. It is people who cannot bear to live in US capitalist
society who feel the dead weight of this society on them like a stone, cannot
find a way out, cannot see a way to fight for an alternative to this and move
to destroy themselves and/or others. The numerous crises in US society are not
the product of mental sickness; they are a social and political issue.
More and more the murderers who wipe out entire families and carry out the
mass killings are racist and/or associated with members of racist and extreme
right wing white nationalist groups. The murderer Cruz in Florida claimed to be
part of, and was initially claimed as, a member of a white supremacist group.
He also had a picture of himself on the Internet with his Trump Make
America Great Again hat. Trump has whipped up the nationalist, white
supremacist, racist and sexist forces. He is seen by them as their
leader. The KKK is continually praising him. The right wing racist ideas of the
dominant elements in society, the divide and rule ideas of the ruling
capitalist class motivates these this killers.
The way to take on these killings is to organize a mass movement to change
society and offer an alternative to those elements who cannot find a place in
capitalist society. This is the reality.
The major corporations that are now disassociating themselves from the NRA
are not among the forces that think our explanation is correct. The capitalist
media itself points out that Hertz, Enterprise, Met life, and others have a lot
more customers than the NRA’s 5 million members and will cease to offer
discounts. Delta and United, two of the world’s largest airlines have cut ties.
That the NRA has underestimated the mood in society is an understatement.
What this reflects is that while capitalism needs ideas such as racism and
sexism to be part of its divide and rule way of controlling the majority in
society, it does not at this stage want racism and sexism and violence to boil
over. It wants these ideas and the tension and social division that results
form them, to simmer. But these mass killings, coming on the heels of the
numerous protests of one sort or another from Black Lives Matter to Standing
Rock, housing, incarceration and environmental issues, are threatening to evoke
a mass movement, and the actions of these corporations are moving to prevent it
from boiling over, disrupting society and undermining their rule. The
capitalist class is not against racism, sexism and violence, but they want it
to be kept at a level that does not threaten their control but helps them stay
in control, that does not threaten their profits rather helps their
However, while this overall picture is correct, things cannot be left there.
Because exploitation and alienation is greater in the US than any other
economically advanced capitalist country and the trade union movement is so
dominated by pro capitalist ideology which has been an obstacle to the
development of a mass workers party in the US, the violence in US society
is far more prevalent than other advanced capitalist economies..
Connected to this social violence is the availability of guns. This cannot
be ignored. There are an estimated 300 million guns in civilian hands in the
US. One in five gun sales in the US take place with no background check. At
this time, a mass movement is rising up especially among the youth around the
demand that something has to be done and the NRA's philosophy that guns should
be handed out to anyone who can pay for them has to be challenged.
While it is crucial to stress that US capitalism has to be replaced with a
democratic socialist society in which people could build a peaceful and
non-alienated society and a decent life for all, there must be some clear
proposals to allow this rising anger and demand for action against the NRA and
the investors in the gun industry whose philosophy is about profits rather than
genuine self protection, to find organizational expression and obtain a victory
for ordinary people.
At our weekly Think Tank Conference call last Saturday, Facts for Working
People discussed this issue and what demands we should advocate for this rising
movement and what actions can be taken to win them.
Our conference call concluded that we are not in favor of any call to
disarm the civilian population. This would mean leaving the monopoly of
weaponry in the hands of the capitalist state and bands of armed criminals. The
result would be that in the future, when the US working class will rise up to
challenge US capitalism, their hands would be empty and capitalism would have
the weapons to defend their property and profits. Even before that, when mass
strikes and occupations take place, the bosses will try to organize reactionary
and racist gangs both in and out of uniform to crush the workers’ movement.
They will be less able to succeed in this if the working class is armed.
In a revolutionary situation it would be necessary to appeal to sections of
the capitalist state apparatus and the ranks of the military in particular to
join the side of the anti capitalist struggle, to the side of the revolution.
Such an appeal would be much more likely to be effective if the rising
revolutionary workers’ movement was itself armed. Therefore FFWP does not
believe it is correct to call for the disarming of the US population.
At our Saturday Think Tank/ Conference call we agreed we should put forward
and advocate the following five demands:
(1) Ban all fully automatic weapons such as the AR-15 and ban bump
(2) Ban all the destructive munitions which are made specifically to
do as
(3) Limit the number of weapons an individual can buy. The Las Vegas killer
bought 33 weapons in the year before his mass murder.
(4) Do no business or have any financial dealings with NRA.
(5) The organized labor movement to withdraw all services from NRA
facilities, - utilities, communication, garbage collection, etc. Labor pull the
plug on the NRA.
The trade union leaders will not organize such action. However these
leaders must not be ignored. Their refusal to lead and the reasons for
their refusal to lead must be pointed out. The trade union leaders are
terrified to take on the bosses and they are also terrified of the movement of
their own members if they rose to take on the bosses on the gun issue or any
other issue. Along with this there is their privileged positions, big salaries,
secure jobs and good benefits the trade union hierarchy has awarded themselves
within capitalism.
The demand for a new and different leadership that will take on the
corporations and their capitalist system must be raised. However while
pointing out this reality and demanding a different leadership, it must be
recognized that any serious action on the part organized labor at this time will only be organized by
rank and file bodies in the unions, by union locals, by labor councils. Pulling
together an alliance of such bodies and rank and file members, and taking this
action, could open up cracks in the union leadership and some of them could then
move to act. But the object is not to get the leaders to move, the object is to
build a rank and file alliance that is prepared to take on the corporations and
their capitalist system. Such an alliance could close down the NRA, could
inflict a defeat on their capitalist backers and could open the road for a new
workers offensive on many other issues.
Our discussions also thought that these demands would be good to be begin
with and would allow the rising movement against the NRA and its profit driven,
blood soaked policies and its similar capitalist backers to mobilize around. We
also discussed the following actions to advocate around these demands.
We suggest the following: That school students and college students and all
education workers take action around these five demands. They should all refuse
to return to places of study and work because they are not safe. They should
all refuse to go to places of study and work until these five demands are met.
But not just stay at home, not just march or demonstrate, no limiting actions
to hour long or day protests. Instead the plan should be to mobilize in
the city and town and community centers and block all traffic in these centers.
The movement should not hesitate to make it clear that to win these
demands the movement is prepared to bring the country to a halt.
Mass strike action and mass mobilization is necessary. Appeal to youth and
workers in other sectors to join them. Appeal to the 14 million strong trade
union movement to take action. No union workers to provide services to the NRA.
No going to places of study and work to be shot like fish in a barrel until
something is done. Rank and file union action could also pull the plug, cut off
utilities, etc., on all gun stores especially the large corporate chains which
refuse to bow to these demands.
Victory on any of these demands by such a mass movement would be a defeat
for the right wing forces in the country. Would be a victory for the youth and
workers in education. Would be a victory for working people in general. This in
turn would open up the door to further demands. Free education. Better wages so
as not to have to work 2 or 3 jobs. Maternity and paternity leave fully paid.
Childcare facilities at places of education and work and in the communities
fully professionally staffed and free at the point of use. All these can be
paid for by taxing the rich and cutting military spending. No taxes on workers
or the middle class. Already some teachers have countered Trump's lying lunacy
of arming teachers with their demands for what they want in the schools. Their
demands were more spending on education, smaller class sizes, more teachers,
Building a movement around these immediate demand and building a mass
direct action and strike movement around them would begin to change the
consciousness of the mass of the population in the country. Would begin to give
people an understanding that the crisis of their lives was caused by the
capitalist system and the profit addicted capitalist class, would begin to
direct people to understand who and what the enemy was and to direct their
anger, not at other working class people or at themselves but at the real enemy
- the capitalist class and the capitalist system.
It is important that the working class as it rises to struggle should be
armed. At present large sections of the US working class are presently armed
with weapons. But the problem is that they are not armed politically,
theoretically, historically, programmatically, tactically and organizationally.
The most important task is to arm the working class on these fronts. The
most immediate step is to organize a mass democratic alliance or united front
to identify and take on the capitalist offensive, the capitalist attacks on
wages, jobs, housing, conditions, education, health, the environment etc.,
through mass strike action and mass direct action occupations blocking of
cities towns highways etc. Build a national alliance, a mass united front
fighting with direct action and strike action tactics for a decent life for all
working people.
As part of this struggle, organize into democratic fighting trade unions.
Organize the unorganized. Simultaneously organize to break the two capitalist
party monopoly of the Republicans and the Democrats and build a mass working
class and labor party that can fight for working people’s interests and end the
violent, divisive, alienating dictatorship of the capitalist class and of
capitalism. Such a movement can take out of private hands the economy’s
dominant corporations and sectors and put these under collective ownership and
And it will be necessary to build, as part of this movement, a
revolutionary non- sectarian current of workers and youth to assist this
movement to end capitalism and build a democratic sustainable planned socialist
It amazes me how many people who fully grasp the institutional duplicity and many betrayals of the Democratic Party will gladly jump on board whenever those same corporate politicians call for disarming the working class, as if those politicians were genuinely altruistic and honestly civic-minded on just this one issue. I used to be a Democrat but nowadays if a Democrat wants it I'm smart enough to know it's against my class interest.
Thank you Graminovore for your comments. But unfortunately you misunderstand this article. The position it takes has nothing to do with what the imperialist Democratic Party says or does not say. Its suggestions are based on what can give the tremendous youth and not youth movement that has mobilized against the mass killings a way forward. A way to reduce the killings. Also a way to inflict a defeat on the extreme right and in doing so give a new movement for change and against the right a boost. A defeat for the NRA and its profit addicted backers would help develop a movement on other issues such as more money for schools, better health care, tax the rich etc. A question graminovore - what do you say to this youth and not so youth movement that is demanding action to be taken against the NRA. Also read this article carefully it clearly states that it is not in favor of disarming the working people of this country and leaving the monopoly of weaponry in the hands of the capitalist state and criminal gangs. Another question - are you in favor of rocket propelled grenades even perhaps tactical nuclear weapons being available to all. If not why not? Where do you draw the line. Or do you draw a line? Sean O'Torain.
I must have missed the socialist demands in this article. We all want to defeat the NRA but that cannot be done as long a the armaments industries, its suppliers and dealerships are held in private hands. Socialist need to call for the nationalization of these industries without compensation to the big shareholders and that they be run under workers self management. I did find the socialist program here. http://www.cwgusa.org/?p=2044
My mad friend, you didn't miss the socialist program, we didn't include the socialist program. You see, the mistake you make is that you have no concept of the transitional method. For you, the mood among the participants in this struggle is irrelevant. You don't even bother to analyze the objective reality and draw conclusions about how to intervene and help the movement move forward. In fact you have no perspective at all. The science of perspectives escapes you. Your approach is why the small left sects that all claim the mantle as the vanguard of the working class are isolated from that class and have no significant influence in it whatsoever. You haven't a clue how workers learn just repeating old slogans from the sidelines, vegetating on the fringes of the labor movement. You might want to look at where the self styled are at the moment. Consider your mistakes and why there are more socialists outside of the little grouplets than in them.
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