Friday, November 3, 2017

Victory for Nurses Union In Wubbels' Arrest

From Greg Bartik Chicago, Member, National Nurses United personal capacity.

A Salt Lake City union nurse was roughly arrested by a local policeman for following hospital policy on blood draws on unconscious people. The policeman was fired after a investigation. The settlement was for $500K. The National Nurses United campaigned on her behalf. 

It seems to me that the mayor and police chief were covering up some larger crime the arrested policeman was trying to hide. A high speed car accident involved the unconscious man. Illegal evidence for trial and PR?  Nurses have faced years of violence in prisons, nursing homes and hospitals without much management support. 

The nurse, Alex Wubbels said she would donate some of the  money to a campaign formed to help Utah residents obtain body camera footage of any encounter that involves them, free of charge. Ms. Porter said her law firm, Christensen & Jensen, would also provide free legal services to aid the effort.

“This is a small step that we can provide,” Ms. Wubbels said. “In this day and age, if a police force doesn’t have body cameras, that should be shocking. We all deserve to know the truth. And the truth comes when you see the actual, raw footage — and that’s what happened in my case.”
“These things happen all the time,” she added, “and it’s not enough to tell your story anymore.”

This was new in terms of police violence and therefore the greater coverage. 
A victory for nurses the Nurse's union. 

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