Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Open the AIFLD Files: An Appeal.

Frank Hammer will call in to THE WORLD LABOR HOUR radio program on radio station WRFU – Radio Free Urbana – 104.5 FM this coming Saturday at APPROXIMATELY  9:30 AM Pacific Time.

People can listen live worldwide at . Our program is two hours long from 9 AM – 11 AM Pacific Time.  People can also download an audio file of the program beginning 48 hours after the original broadcast/webcast in the archive section of


1 comment:

Sean said...

Two things jump out at me in this document of the CIA on Mexico. How closely the US government through its spy agencies and embassies and outfits keep a watch on the left. If they have reports on the Mexican left then they have similar reports on the US left. The other thing that jumps out at me is the terrible damage done by the disunity of the left. No doubt helped by the Mexican and US ruling class, there is also no doubt that this disunity is helped by the sectarianism of the left itself. Think about this in relation to the US. The myriad left groups. The lack of any serious battle against left sectarianism. The lack of any effort by the left groups to put on the agenda a criticism of their own sectarianism and to put on the agenda of the struggle against the bosses and capitalism the need to confront and take on sectarianism. Instead of this there seems almost a pride in seeking out and finding differences. This is a disgrace. FFWP seeks to oppose sectarianism with its Blog and also with its effort to develop a Think Tank for working people and its conference calls to which we invite people to join as long as they are honest about any membership they might have of any left group and as long as they share the ideas of that group with others on the conference call. See the FFWP address on our last Conference call report anybody who wishes to discuss about participating in our conference calls. Sean O'Torain.