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Now campaigning for Hillary |
A statement from Facts For Working People.
Some of us associated with Facts For Working People Blog (FFWP) are also members of the Green Party. We advocate support for Jill Stein in the presidential elections. We do not subscribe to the lesser of two evils argument. We are opposed to both Clinton and Trump and of course the Libertarian idiot. However, while we are voting for Jill Stein we keep a few things in mind. It is important for us to prepare for the different eventualities, the numerous outcomes that might arise from the elections in this extremely volatile and unpredictable period. We must also take a sober look at the different strengths and weaknesses of the Green Party and how the Party and society in general can could be changed.
We need to explain a few things immediately and
consistently. One is that we need to strongly maintain the position that Jill
Stein puts forward with regard to student debt and that the Green Party could
win this election. Jill Stein correctly points out that if all those
feeling the weight of student debt on their shoulders, that includes students
and their families who are being held responsible for this debt, were to vote
Green in November, Jill Stein could win the presidency.
Jill Stein must get credit for insisting on putting forward
this position and the entire party must follow her lead. It is not an
exaggeration to make this point time and time again; the GPUS could win if all
those with student debt voted Green Party. We must not be intimidated by
the capitalist media and by the pessimism of the majority of the middle class
and those working class people that haven’t withdrawn from the process in
disgust and feel they have to make their vote count by voting the lesser evil
because only a capitalist politician can get elected.
However while Jill Stein's point about the student debt is a
good one it is not, most definitely not, the main point that has to be made. If
the right wing win this election, whether it is Trump or Clinton, this
will not be the fault of the unorganized students and their massive debt burden
that stands at about $1.3 trillion or that the average Class of 2016 graduate has $37,172 in
student loan debt, up six percent from last year.
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By far the best candidate |
It is obviously not Jill Steins’ intention, but her emphasis
on the debt laden students could lead her enemies and the Green Party’s
opponents, to blame students for her defeat should she not win.
So we must be emphatic that if the right, either in the form
of Trump or Clinton, win this election, this will not be the fault of the
students. No, the fault will lie elsewhere; it will lie with the trade union
leaders who control the two trade union federations, the American Federation of
Labor and the Change to Win Coalition. We know them as that dog that
never barks except to echo the policies of the bosses and the Democratic Party.
There are 12 million members in the trade unions in the US.
Of course only a fraction of these are active. But they are not active because
they feel safe and secure. They do not feel safe and secure. They are inactive
because any movement from within organized labor that attempts to drive back
the bosses’ offensive is met with the full force, the full opposition of the
leadership of the trade union movement and their army of full time staff. Faced
with a war on two fronts, against the bosses and the disastrous polices of
their own leadership, to resist seems such a daunting task, so the average
worker just puts their nose to the grindstone and tries to make the best of it.
But if the union leaders had the correct policies, that is, a
policy of mass direct action and open opposition to the policies of the 1%, and
the corporations that have a stranglehold on our economic and political life,
millions of these 12 million could be organized and mobilized. But this is not
the policy of the trade union leaders, just the opposite. The labor officialdom
is terrified of a victory of any sort for the working class because they are
aware it would inspire millions of workers inside and outside of organized
labor. Workers would then see the unions in a different light and move toward
these organizations turning them into fighting organizations, transforming them
and of course in the process changing the leaderships. Victories for the
working class would show that the entire policy of the union leadership over
the past years was incorrect. They argue that victories are not possible so
defeats and concessions must be accepted. The union leadership’s policies
ensure that defeats and concessions are the result.
Victories for the working class would radicalize the labor
movement. This radicalized labor movement could then be a lever which could
activate and mobilize the rest of the working class into action, unleash the
anger that lies beneath the surface of US society. This is what the labor
officialdom fear the most.
Consider the resources of the trade union movement and its
potential power.
One union alone, AFSCME, has 1.6 million members,
approximately 3,400 local unions, 58 district councils and affiliates in 46
states according to its website. The SEIU has two million members. The LA
Labor Council represents about 800,000 workers in crucial industries and LA
ranks about the 16th largest economy in the world among countries. California
is the 6th largest economy in the world and is a fairly heavily unionized state
with about two million workers affiliated to the State Federation of Labor
Are we to believe this is not potential power; that we are weak?
Are we to believe this is not potential power; that we are weak?
In Chicago there are 320 union locals and half a million
workers affiliated to the Chicago Federation of Labor, the central labor body
in the city.
Organized labor also hands out millions of its members’
money to the two capitalist parties. $7 million to Republicans this
year so far and $40 million to Democrats. Over the years, the billions of
dollars in union members dues money has gone to the Democrats. We should also
consider the human capital the labor movement offers the Democrats. Afscme
provided 40,000 volunteers for Mondale during his campaign in the 1980’s.
Thousands of volunteers worked phone banks and walked precincts and there is
also money that is spent on ads usually for Democratic Party issues. The
money and resources the union leadership hands over to the two capitalist
parties, mainly the Democratic Party is a disgrace. These resources should be
going instead to building a mass workers party. The refusal of the union
leadership to take this road is what allows the two capitalist parties, the
Republicans and the Democrats to continue to dominate, to continue with their
monopoly over US political life.
If any of the candidates of the right, either Trump or
Clinton win the election it will not be because the millions of students
overburdened with debt do not vote. It will not be because of the vote the
Green Party will get. It will be because the trade union leaders refuse to
build a mass workers' party and take on the parties of the bosses, the parties
of capital and the right. The trade union leaders are the spoilers. Their
refusal to lead gives the right an open field every time. The Green Party
leadership has to point this out on all occasions.
There are two principle reasons for this. One is because it
is the way to explain how a mass workers party can be built. And two because it
is the way to defend the Green Party from attack in the unlikely case Trump
would win or even if Clinton wins. Whichever right wing party would win, the
truth is it would be the fault of the union leaders. Leaving aside their
refusal to fight on the bread and butter issues, where are their voices on
social issues? Jesse Ventura is speaking out and defending Colin Kaepernick, in
fact he salutes him. Where is the voice of the leadership of organized labor?
It is mute.
It is vital that this reality is pointed out. Just think of
what could happen. The leadership of the Green Party is blind to the danger the
Party faces. Supporters of this blog distributed a flier at the Green Party
Convention in Houston outlining our views. We titled it: The
Green Party: An unprecedented Opportunity: An unprecedented challenge.
This title is still correct and if the leadership of the
Green Party do not rise to this challenge and do not prepare the party for all
the likely outcomes of this election process, it is not ruled out that Stein
could get a percentage of the vote which will be used to attack the Green
Party, blaming it for the disaster that will follow a Trump or Clinton
election. It doesn’t matter that it isn’t true, something doesn’t have to be
true to be believed and any gains that the Green Party has made in the wake of
the Bernie Sanders betrayal could be wiped out.
Imagine what would happen to the Green Party if this were to
happen. If it was to come out of the elections with this millstone round its
neck. The membership would be demoralized, as they would be blamed for the
victory of the right especially if it was Trump. They would also be demoralized
if Clinton won as she would soon show her imperialist, and anti working class
Trump could build a movement, a racist semi fascist movement
with some legs in such a situation. The Green party would get some of the blame
for this also. The capitalist class to the extent that they would see the Green
Party to be of any significance would go after it like wild animals and tear it
to pieces, finish it off. Not that this would be hard to do if the capitalist
class could blame it for opening the door to a Trump administration.
Those of us connected to this blog do not think Trump will
win but events over the past period have convinced us that we cannot rule it
out by any means. The dominant sections of the capitalist class still oppose
him and prefer Clinton. The majority of the working class and middle class
think too much of themselves to vote for the extreme right wing policies of the
racist degenerate Trump.
But if Trump were to win, and it was by a tiny margin, maybe
less than the Stein vote, the Green Party would need to be prepared for the
assault that would be launched against us. The only way we can do this, that we
can prepare for this abuse we would receive, is by starting right away to
tell the truth, and the truth is that the blame for any victory of the right
would lie with the heads of organized labor, the leaders of organized
Their refusal to act politically, to act independently,
prevents the building of a mass workers party and allows the political monopoly
of the right wing Republican and Democratic Parties to continue to dominate.
The word spoilers is used against the Green Party to intimidate and confuse. In
reality it is the trade union leaders who are the spoilers. They prevent the
power of organized labor from being used to mobilize the broader masses of
labor and the youth to build an alternative to the right wing parties. These
trade union leaders are the real spoilers.
Unfortunately the Green Party leaders are not putting this
position forward. This could lead to a disaster. Nor are the left groups and
individuals in the Green Party putting it forward. One of us recently attended
a 600 strong meeting at a Jill Stein event in Chicago. Stein gave a very good
agitational speech in particularly against militarism. However she never
mentioned the Party's new eco socialist plank. It now appears that the Party
after passing this plank is now ignoring it, one of the typical undemocratic
methods of consensus.
Nor did Jill Stein mention the role of the trade union
leaders. Where were the leaders and members of the 320 Chicago union locals,
the half million Chicago union members who are affiliated to the Chicago
federation of labor? They were not there in that hall. And there was not a
single reference from any speaker to their absence. This was a disgrace and a
serious political mistake.
One member of a left group which claims to be Marxist and
revolutionary spoke from the platform. All he commented on was the student debt
and the need to cancel it. In fact Jill Stein made a more radical speech. These
left groups and individuals in the Green Party at best cover up for the right
wing pro capitalist policies of the main forces that appear to be dominant in
the Green Party at present. And cover up also for the trade union leaders
support for the Democrats and their refusal to build a mass workers' party and
oppose capitalism. This too is a very bad mistake.
The GP must explain something else beside the role of the
trade union leaders. We have to explain that in reality we want to win
the Presidency and if the union leaders led we could win the Presidency, but
winning the Presidency is not the central issue. The Green Party can still win;
the working class can still make gains, even if it does not win the Presidency.
It can do so in this way. By building a mass direct action united front
movement against the capitalist offensive. By building a mass direct action
movement against the 1% at the center of which would be the Green Party
fighting for its eco-socialist program, fighting to become a workers party and
changing its own internal life to one that is democratic and not the
undemocratic paralyzing internal life of consensus.
And while being clear on this and on insisting on explaining
this, we must also be clear and explain that even if Stein won the Presidency
tomorrow with its present policies where it refuses to fight for eco socialism,
where it refuses to build itself into a workers party, and along with this with
its undemocratic internal life it could not solve the problems of the country
anyway. The party is not prepared to govern.
If the GP can win 10% 15% off the vote and does so while
transforming itself into an eco-socialist party, that means fighting for
eco-socialism not just having it in its platform and never mentioning it, if
the GP wins 10% to 15% of the vote and in doing so transforms itself into a
workers party and with a changed internal life and commits itself to mass
direct action against the capitalist offensive it can transform the political
life of the country.
It can put tens of millions on to the streets, into
occupations and mass strikes in the workplaces. In doing so it can shake up the
entire US political life, build a movement that can throw back the capitalist
offensive and prepare the ground for ending capitalism in this country. US
capitalism will not be ended by electoral means. Mass direct action movements
of the working class will end it. It will be ended when capitalism loses
control of, loses its domination over, the consciousness of the working class
and when the working class develops independent thinking, sees itself as a
class for itself and builds its own organization of tens of millions.
The struggle for this involves fighting on a number of
fronts. With the tiny left resources now inside the Green Party it involves the
building of a non-sectarian left current which can reach out to broader layers
of workers and youth. There are already obstacles to this as a caucus formed at
the Convention called the Watermelon caucus (Green on the outside red on the
inside) has not been developed in any way and has now been deemed not a caucus
at all. The argument is that for technical reasons it cannot be a caucus.
These are just excuses. So do not call it a caucus call it a
network. There is no difference in reality, all is needed is a non sectarian
left current or network within which ideas can be developed and advocated and
organized around. The obstacles to developing a non sectarian left current or
network are being put there by the party leadership and other forces in the
Party such as the sectarian groups who want to use the GP just for recruitment
to their own small sect and so do not want the Watermellon group or any other
non sectarian democratic left current or network to develop.
Let us build such a non sectarian left current in the GP,
let us turn out in these elections and in general and conduct a dialogue with
the working class, elections are dialogues with the working class. As we do so
let us not forget that while elections are important in the struggle for the
consciousness of the working class, in our dialogue with the working class we
have to be clear that electoral politics will not end US capitalism. This will
take the mass direct action of the working class organized in a mass workers
party of tens of millions.
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