marched in Pleasanton on Saturday to demand an end to Urban Shield, the
largest "first responders" and police training and weapons expo in the
world. |
Today prisoners across the United States are
to protest the brutality of the American incarceration system that
shuffles threw millions of poor people each year and subjects them to
slave labor and torture. Today also marks the 45th anniversary of the
begging of the Attica Prison uprising, in which 33 prisoners were
murdered by police by order of billionaire governor Nelson Rockefeller.
Two weeks earlier the state successfully murdered George Jackson, who
warned his captors that "The savage repression of blacks, which can be
estimated by reading the obituary columns of the nation's dailies, Fred
Hampton, etc., has not failed to register on the black inmates." 11
years later the state would succeed in convicting Black Panther Mumia
Abu-Jamal on false charges. Last week Mumia was denied access to
potentially lifesaving Hepatitis C medication, which is sold by the
for-profit Gilead Sciences (another medical corporation that makes
billions in profits by developing medication off government subsidies
and then sells products criminal prices) for $1,000 a pill.
year police in America killed 1,207 people. So far 808 have been killed
in 2016 - a little over one every 8 hours. Many of the victims are
armed, many are not; as usual people of color are killed at far higher
rates per million, alongside hundreds of dead white brother and sisters;
the state holds no officers responsible, and makes calls to increase
police power and use of force. Tens of millions every year are
brutalized by capitalism and then left to the mercy of the state to be
criminalized and locked away or summarily executed. The capitalist state
is not interested in helping anyone - it's about keeping law and order
so that the capitalist class can more efficiently exploit the labor of
the working class. Law and order means wage slavery, imperialism,
unrelenting pollution and climate change, home foreclosures and
starvation, and poverty and drug addiction, all while the richest
individuals in society get fat off the backs of the working class. The
police only serve and protect the ruling class, and only legitimize
their presence by "solving" the problems in society that capitalism
creates in the first place. It's painfully obvious but often goes
unsaid: the laws in society are created to favor the capitalist class -
if we are to have a revolution, the police will be right there to stand
in our way.
state and its armed forces are fundamentally unable to stop the
problems - violence, drugs, theft - that plague communities devastated
by layoffs and foreclosures. Only a massive redistribution of wealth can
solve the economic and social inequalities of capitalism. And the
police stand in the way of such a massive wealth redistribution. |
this end the ruling class is forever in favor of throwing trillions of
dollars behind its armed forces while the misery of the many deepens.
The armed men and women protecting the status quo - including the
president and selected members of the armed forces - are given complete
freedom to spy, intrude, disrupt, detain, imprison, and execute anyone,
anywhere, and for whatever reason. The capitalist state operates
completely independent of any democratic control precisely because it is
purpose, in the hands of the capitalists, is to preserve a system that
benefits the few off the immiseration of the many. (In the hands of the
working class the massive power of the state would be used to
redistribute wealth and radically change society).
In Pleasanton,
CA, hundreds demonstrated around the Alameda County fairgrounds
demanding an end to Urban Shield, the largest police weapons and
training expo in the world and a perfect example of the state's
obsession (not just in the US but across the world) not with helping the
needy, but with maintaining control over society. As
previously noted
Urban Shield is an international conference attended by a who's who
list of capitalist governments and flagrant criminals and is funded by
the Department of Defense and supported by the world's most powerful
corporations, including Verizon and Google. When it comes to natural and
man-made disasters the state's first priority is always maintaining
control so as to preserve the sanctity of "law and order" (see the
response to Katrina, in which victims were shot first and helped later,
and Haiti post-2010 earthquake in which the US army locked down the
country and now relies on an occupying force of UN troops to maintain
"law and order" for the puppet regimes it forces upon the Haitian
people). This is why the Department of Defense pours millions into
funding first responder training. Furthermore, it's obvious that
"terrorism" means one thing to the ruling class - see the Animal
Enterprise Terrorism Act, or a march against police brutality - and
another to people who are routinely shot, harassed, surveiled, bombed,
and tortured by the state itself.
have infiltrated all aspects of social life, including schools, and yet
our children are no safer from war, poverty, and climate change. In
fact they are less safe. |
With September 11 just
around the corner, the state and its stenographer media will once again
ratchet up its nationalism and warn the public of the grave threats
still facing America. The police and armed forces will be praised, and
vicious attacks will be leveled against all those who would dare
question the legitimacy of the state and its power, for without the
state, goes the ruling class narrative, there would be disorder and
chaos - there would be no "law and order."No mention will be made of the
real danger facing people in the United States: unlivable wages,
decrepit infrastructure, police terror, unending war, rampant drug
addiction and poverty, poisoned water, for-profit health care and
housing, and impending climate disaster. All the real threats faced by
the vast majority of Americans are legal and are protected by the state.
Never forget that the real enemy - the greatest terrorists of them all -
is our own ruling class, that seeks at all times to maximize profits
and maintain social control.
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