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Miami players support Kaepernick. Can any of us honestly deny that their cause is a just one? |
Local 444, retired
Let’s be honest here. We do not live in a free society. There are many forms of oppression, especially speech and definitely if that speech might lead to action.
Let’s be honest here. We do not live in a free society. There are many forms of oppression, especially speech and definitely if that speech might lead to action.
is a lot of talk about freedom here in the US and how we are the greatest
country in the world and people have bumper stickers on their cars to show that
US society is divinely inspired, “God
Bless America” they say. Where in the bible god, the Jewish god or the
Christian one was said to have proclaimed America a special place I am not sure.
confidence in America being the freest place on the planet gets a lesson in
reality in the workplace, especially the private sector workplace as free
speech and the First Amendment do not apply there. Surely, many a shop steward has had the hardest
time taking a petition around trying to get co-workers to sign in support of
another worker or a workplace issue and people tremble at the thought of
putting their name on such a document.
a union you’ll be lucky to get any signatures. This is due to coercion, to the
fear of being denied something for speaking one’s mind or acting in solidarity
with others. Sign that sheet and you just might not get that truck driver’s job
opening up. You might not get a promotion in to management etc. It is a form of
violence as it messes with your ability to feed yourself and your
I often
had difficulty accepting as valid the views of some of my more conservative
co-workers, the Hannity or libertarian types who aped US state department news
releases when it came to their views about foreign policy and the US
government’s role in the world. I thought it somewhat hypocritical as we had
what one might call a “socialist” job.
Working for a public utility and being unionized meant better benefits and a
more humane workplace. I often said it was more like a German job, they could
not fire us as easily as a private sector employer.
is why a strong union presence on the job is so important. There are only two
sources of power in the workplace, the bosses and the organized workers. If we
are not organized, if we are not tight, where white workers stand up for
blacks, men for women, the majority for the minority, we have chinks in our
armor and the bosses will take advantage of it. This is simply the nature of a social system and a labor process those who do the work do not control.
my work unit, the union was strong and ever present. It was pretty strong
before I got there and with myself and other union activists it got stronger
after. I worked in a blue-collar male
environment. As more women came in, the one’s and twos, we did our best to
integrate them in to the group. I’m sure when the bosses’ interview an aspiring
applicant, they never asked them if they are pro-union as that was a
requirement for the job. When myself and the other rep introduced ourselves to
new hires we always stressed that we were a pretty tight group. We would stress
that we felt that racism and sexism started at the top, was a means of dividing
us and we tried to deal with these issues ourselves in order for us all to
learn and become stronger. We would urge the sister to bring it to the union
first if she had an issue.
would also let it be know that there were other stewards, female ones in other
departments and if a particular woman felt she wasn’t being fairly represented
or felt more comfortable talking to a woman we would encourage that. The point
was to use the union first. But we stressed that if the union didn’t deal with
her issue and she was being sexually harassed or discriminated against, she
should go to the boss as they have the power in the workplace, they own it. The
argument we would make to our male co-workers would always stress that if a
woman or any worker didn’t feel like they were part of the group, that we had
their backs, they would go to the only other power there and that was in the
bosses’ office. Working class unity is always power, that is why racism,
sexism, and other social prejudices are so damaging and why the bosses use all
sorts of ways to stir that pot.
my normal round about way I have arrived at what started me thinking about
this. I was reading an article on Yahoo
News of all places and it is an article attacking Kaepernick’s protests against
police violence. It’s from CNS News. This is a right wing climate denying news
outlet that is not a news outlet at all. It’s owner once described Obama as a “skinny ghetto crackhead”. It is anti-union, anti-worker and some papers
have dropped it as a news source, not Yahoo as yet.
we are witnessing here with the response to Kaepernick’s protest of police
violence and the treatment of black Americans in this society is exactly what I
am talking about above, coercion and class struggle.
responses from teams like the Seattle Seahawks that I wrote
about earlier
are clearly management driven. I don’t care what a player or any team members
says about them voting to link arms and all that, behind these orchestrated protests
and there are more of them popping up, are the billionaire sports team and
media capitalists and all the parasitic traders, hedge fund managers and
speculators whose activities are truly destroying a way of life. It is their
you take all these sports figures, they get a lot of money for playing a game.
They earn more in a season than most workers might earn in a lifetime. The tennis players are walking billboards,
pimps for the corporation whose clothes they sell and whose sodas or energy
drinks they sup as they change ends. The reason they are generally shallow
uninteresting characters when we hear them interviewed is that their
comfortable lifestyles, millionaire status for many of them, is dependent on
them keeping their mouths shut. Don’t say anything controversial. Never say
anything about the system and when you talk about poverty or any unpleasantness
in society, make sure it appears they’re doing something about it and that the
condition is more the product of an individual’s bad choices than a crisis of a
social system.
owners of the sports franchises and the media who make billions off of a
football player’s broken body or damaged brain, can and will take away all the
privileges if a player doesn’t do what they’re, told, keep their mouths shut
and sell some sneakers on TV. This is the same coercion, the same oppression
that workers face on the job. These guys just live a more financially
comfortable lifestyle, but their work is highly competitive too. It is not a healthy lifestyle.
issue that Kaepernick is bringing to the fore opens up a nasty can of worms as
it could lead to a discussion about racism, brutality, the complete exclusion
of an entire community from society and three hundred or more years of them
being paid no wages for their labor. It can lead to the role of the police and
what that role really is.
it won’t stop there either. It will inevitably lead to discussions about
society in general, white workers and all workers will begin to question more.
White workers have seen their living standards savaged as well. Workers will, as we always do when we begin
to move in to struggle, seek to unite along class lines. This is what the 1%
fears and why they are mobilizing counter activities that are using patriotism,
nationalism and the glorifying of wars and violence to undermine the genuine
protests begun by Kaepernick.
entire issue is not about Kaepernick, it’s about where his actions might lead.
The ruling class fears us; they fear working class unity.
their efforts to undermine Kaepernick and the issue he is directing his
activities at, not all the players are falling in to line. Denver Broncos
defensive back Brandon Marshall knelt.
Yesterday (Sunday), Miami running back Arian Foster, safety Michael
Thomas, wide receiver Kenny Stills, and linebacker Jelani Jenkins all took a lead from
Kaepernick. Some
have raised clenched fists in the air as the history of 1968 resurfaces. Even
college and high school players have joined in. Last Saturday, almost every
member of a Philly high school team took a knee. And it should be made known
that Peter
Norman who supported Carlos and Smith in 1968 was persecuted for his show of
racial unity, the Australian government helped to destroy his life.
want to say one last thing and here I am talking to white/European Americans. I
do not for one minute believe that there is at yet so little support coming
from the white football players is because they are all racists, although the
consciousness of whites is negatively affected by centuries of racist
propaganda, like the black ones, they can lose everything too. And it’s not
just the money it’s the massive social pressure and potential isolation as a
result of the propaganda. As I commented earlier, what do the billionaires careabout the young men and women in the military? They don’t. Every ruling class uses nationalism, religion
and patriotism to manipulate people, get us to think we are all on the same
side or to fear foreigners. So their protests are about unity with them, the
owners of the tam and their class. We
want unity with all workers and the oppressed of all countries. I am not
looking for Warren Buffet or Paul Allen’s or Bill Clinton’s approval, they are
not my Americans.
white friend tells me Kaepernick should be protesting about white poverty and
other issues. Well, of course he should; so should we all, but we often first move to the issue that is
most acute for us, that affects us so directly. The legacy of institutionalized racism and centuries of social exclusion is so acute there is not a black family, no matter what class background that doesn't have one relative somewhere who has experienced the racist justice system and police violence, or fallen prey to drug abuse. Stand up and support kaepernick
and we will see that his horizon will be broadened too. He will see that his
white co-workers and white Americans everywhere understand the righteousness of
his complaint. Do you think it didn’t take courage for him to do this? Or for
those other black guys that have joined him on other teams violating the phony
protests and unity organized by the owners? It took a lot of courage. If they have the courage for this they have the courage to fight for all workers and the issues we all face.
more of us that support them and aren’t fooled by the nationalistic appeals of
the owners the more political it will become. The more it will transcend just
the issue of police violence and racism to other concerns, housing, education
etc. Believe, me, this is what the capitalist class in this country is afraid
of. The players have a union, if it was worth anything it should be organizing these protests. As usual the labor hierarchy is absent. Their collective cowardice in not standing up, speaking out and mobilizing their ranks against police violence and institutionalized racism is criminal and hurts all workers. But they won't even defend their own members, they have the same world outlook as the 1%.
was never a big Kaepernick fan because I’m actually quite hostile to the Forty
Niners being a Raiders supporter. But sports is big business, the only thing the
owners care about is money. Get the taxpayer to build the stadium, guarantee
the tickets and sell some air time and jerseys.
They’ve taken the community out of sports.
I am
proud of Kaepernick, I am proud of his courage, supportive of his cause and
glad he decided he wouldn’t keep his mouth shut any more.
a Kaepernick fan now.
1 comment:
Fantastic article here, Richard Mellor. I couldn't agree more with your stance. We must find solidarity in order to maintain ahh kind of power in this capitalistic oppression we're facing. And you very your ass that the 1% is using the divide and conquer tactic
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