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Overall, Stein's platform is better than Sanders |
By Richard Mellor
Afscme Local 444, retired
As readers of this blog must be aware, we have repeatedly condemned the policies of the stifling bureaucracy that sits atop organized labor for their openly pro business policies that have led to the disastrous decline in living standards and unionization over the past half century.
As readers of this blog must be aware, we have repeatedly condemned the policies of the stifling bureaucracy that sits atop organized labor for their openly pro business policies that have led to the disastrous decline in living standards and unionization over the past half century.
This writer has stressed that it is not corruption in the
sense of taking money or bribes or other criminal activity on the part of the
labor hierarchy that is at the root of the problem. Many genuine, honest
activists have found themselves in a situation where they betray the very
ideals they claimed they would champion on behalf of their members. They did
not need bribes or payoffs to do it; they were trapped by their own
consciousness, their own view of the world.
This worldview has a name; it’s called the Team Concept, and
it is the prime reason the leaders of organized labor refuse to mobilize the
potential power that resides in their membership and its ability to cripple US
economic activity. They believe that
workers and employers have the same economic interest. This philosophy leads to
a situation where workers in one workplace are called on to help their
individual employer become more competitive and win market share from their
rivals or even drive them from the marketplace entirely. This is capitalism. The trade union leaders have adopted the
world view of the capitalist class. The
same philosophy is applied nationally and internationally as states and
municipalities within a nation and nations within the global economy compete
with each other for market share and access to profits. We can see it here in
the US as jobs flee to the South where racism has been stronger historically,
workers divided, workers organizations almost non existent and consequently
wages and working conditions much worse.
This is a disaster for workers as we are forced in to
competition with workers in other areas, other industries, other nations for who
can work faster, smarter, and in an environment that removes obstacles in the
race for profits. Health and safety,
leisure time, work hours, and breaks, older workers whose bodies have paid the
price of decades of labor, all these are an obstacle to what the boss calls
efficiency. And most importantly, how
can we build the solidarity needed to throw back the bosses’ austerity agenda
if we are competing with each other in this way? The truth is we can’t unless
this cycle is broken. Workers and bosses
have conflicting interests. One purchases labor power, the other sells it, one
profits from the labor of the other. This philosophy leads to a race to the
bottom for working people and any worker, trade unionist or political activist
that subscribes to it will follow in the footsteps of the present labor
hierarchy that has orchestrated decades of failures.
In politics, the Team Concept is in the form of this deathly
marriage between the political wing of the 1% in the Democratic Party and the
labor hierarchy that supports it.
Billions of dollars of union members dues money has been handed over to Democratic
Party candidates over the years. Carter, Mondale, Dukakis, Clinton, Obama. Carter
used the Taft Hartley against the miners in 1978, Clinton sold them down the
river with NAFTA and threw working class women off welfare, often times in to
union jobs with less pay and no or fewer benefits. Obama, the anti-war
president has stepped up Bush’s horrific foreign policy and the “public option” in health care and the
promise of the Employee Free Choice Act, (EFCA) were thrown in the garbage can.
Then there’s all the local races and the phone banking and advertising union
members’ money pays for. All this for a slower, and now not so slow, slide to
the bottom.
The AFL-CIO has now taken advantage of Citizens United I guess
and formed a union super Pac called Workers Voice and the buy in for each union that wants a, "seat at the table " is $1 million. The super Pac has spent $150,000 helping Ohio Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown in his race against challenger, Republican
Josh Mandel. The argument is that Mandel is receiving questionable funds from
industry and that he is anti-worker and against working families. This is the dilemma
of supporting one billionaire party against another. The Democratic Party is funded by industry
and Wall Street billionaires just like the Republican Party. As for Sherrod
Brown, it’s not about the individual; it’s about the Party. There are
differences it is true. The Republican Party has some real fascistic elements
in it and its right wing religious supporters. Misogynists are numerous and the assault on women's rights is fought more ferociously by Republicans.
But this strategy of throwing millions of dollars at, and
looking to protect workers rights and living standards from a political party
of bankers industrialists has failed dismally. The bosses have more money than us. They are called capitalists for a reason. This is the Team Concept in the political
sphere. The union hierarchy could easily
either provide a mass workers' party linked to other social movements and community based organizations as an alternative to both these parties, the money, organization
and social power is there. Or they could choose instead to shift to the Greens
which at this moment in time is neither a capitalist nor a workers party and
whose likely candidate, Jill Stein, has a better program than Sanders.
I know many people that describe themselves as progressive
and/or socialist who are in the Greens, or who are supporting Sanders in the
Democratic Party. Many of them have told me they are supporting Sanders against
Hilary Clinton but will then vote for Stein in the presidential contest. Why do
they not raise the Green party in their union locals if they are union members? Why not raise money for the
Greens, take candidates in to their locals and introduce resolutions in support
of Stein in November? Read more about the Greens as an alternative here.
As for the labor hierarchy, Einstein said that the
definition of insanity is: “Doing the
same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” The labor hierarchy by Einstein’s definition
would be certified sane. They do the same thing over and over again and expect
the same results, a little less aggression from the bosses.
They will not break from this deathly embrace with the
Democratic Party without a huge groundswell from below that forces splits and
the top and throws up new leadership on the basis of a fighting anti-austerity
program and that includes publicly condemning and abandoning the Team
Concept. It’s true that their obscene
salaries and lifetime employment with double pensions for some are a part of
their reluctance to do so. But the main cause is their support for capitalism
and the market. The boss has the right to profit, move the factory, shift
production or do nothing at all with their investment cash and instead
speculate in art.
For the bureaucracy to challenge these rights and awaken the
potential power of labor, both organized and unorganized it can only lead to chaos, so better the safety of the status quo and their jobs are secure. But history
is on our side. The worker, the dues paying
union member, is forced by objective reality to resist being driven to
pauperism. The union hierarchy with its army of full time staff responds with
stifling bureaucratic measures and oppression. But at some point the dam will
burst. It will most likely be events outside of organized labor that will begin
the process, the communities or the unemployed, struggles against racism, sexism
and environmental degradation.But organized labor will not escape it.
There will be some turmoil within organized labor in the
period ahead.
Excellent article Richard ! We are organizing an event for Jill Stein in Champaign, IL on Wed. March 2nd. We have a guy running for State Senate as a Green and there will be an Independent running for u.S. Congress, who ran previously as a democrat ( 2012 ) and lost by only 1/2 of 1 % of the vote because the national dem party refused to give him get out the vote monies because of his anti-corporate aganda, so this year he is running as an independent. He is an Emergency Room Doctor who is pro-Labor, supports single payer health care, and is anti-war.
David Johnson
Please...51% and growing don't identify with either party...any side of the coin...same coin....we are the majority...and most DON'T KNOW OF THE ALTERNATIVE.....
“There is an occasion where a third party actually won a presidential election coming into it at as a third party. And that was a time of extreme social upheaval, like what we’re in right now,” Stein said. “His name was Abraham Lincoln.”
The right leader for all wrongs addressed...check her facebook page....her plan...learn...act...share...can vote or not...help make this a reality...for all not the few...united we stand for change..justice ...prosperity and preservation...the only diplomat...not sold out to corporations...the intelligent choice...now not later we may not have that luxury...www.jill2016.com
For we the people for and by the people for the planet!!!
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