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Saudi Embassy in Iran torched after 47 Shiites executed including leading cleric |
Stephen Morgan
The execution of 47 Shiites, including the leading, cleric, Shaikh Nimr Alnimr, threatens to inflame sectarian violence between Shiites and Sunnis across the Muslim World. The divide between the two strands of Islam was already extremely tense and has been a key factor in the cause of the break up Iraq and the Syrian civil war.
Although no regime is justified in taking the life of
individuals whatever their crime, these executions were particularly unjust.
Those executed were charged with "terrorist crimes against innocent
people, properties, and security forces" and "spreading disorder and
exposing national security and safety to dangerous threats." These
accusations stem from the peaceful demonstration by the minority population of
Shiites in Saudi Arabia for equal rights, democracy and better living standards
during the Arab Spring of 2011-12. While Shaikh Nimr Alnimr encouraged the
protests he himself has never carried weapons, nor has ever advocated violence.
Shiites (or Shias) represent 15% of the Saudi population,
comprising about 2 million people. However, in the “kingdom of a thousand
princes,” Shiites are treated as second class citizens, who suffer from higher
levels of unemployment, lower wages, worse housing and poorer living standards
than the Sunni majority. They are discriminated against and barred from jobs in
the government and administration.
Despite the pornographic wealth of Saudi Arabia's ruling
Sunni elite, the sheiks have done little to alleviate these problems. Instead,
when faced with demands for change, they sent in 10,000 troops in the Shiite
areas in 2011 to brutally suppress the democracy movement, while, at the same
time, sending thousands of troops to help quell the Shiite rebellion in
neighboring Bahrain.
The Sunni/Shia schism within Islam goes right back to the
death of Mohamed in 632 and differences which arose about his rightful
successor. The Saudi Arabian regime has changed little since then. In fact,
their attitude to the Shiites has continued to be one of the most sectarian in
the Muslim world, deriving its doctrine from the ultra-conservative strand of
Sunni Wahhabism they practice.
This religious schism has divided the Middle East into two
geographical areas spanning most of the countries in the region. The so-called
“Shiite Crescent,” or “Shiite Arc,” stretches across the Middle East from
Lebanon, through Syria, Iraq, Iran, the Gulf states, Yemen and all the way to
Afghanistan and Pakistan.
While Shiites only represent about 15-20 percent of Muslims
worldwide, in the Middle East their presence is far greater. They constitute
90% of the population in Iran, 65% in Iraq , 40% in the Lebanon and 20% in
Syria. About 20% of the population in Afghanistan and 15% of the population in
Pakistan are also Shiites.
In the Gulf States, apart from the 15% of the population
they represent in Saudi Arabia, they
also constitute 15% of citizens in the UAE, 10% in Qatar, 30% in Kuwait, 40% in
Yemen and 75% in Bahrain. The reason they are discriminated against and
repressed so harshly in the Gulf states, is not just the product of Wahhabism,
but stems from the fact that the Shiite population is mainly concentrated in
the oil producing areas of the region. Unrest or separatist movements are an
obvious threat to the huge wealth of the Sunni elites.
Of course, the West couldn't really give a damn about the
executions themselves. They are only worried about their ramifications. In
particular, they are concerned about the possible disruption of oil supplies
and its effects on their profits and the world economy, which could result from a conflict between Shiite Iran
and the Sunni Saudi Arabia, as well as the possibility of widespread unrest by
Shiite populations in the Gulf states. A virtual general strike has already
broken out in the Eastern oil producing, Shiite areas of Saudi Arabia and huge
protests have been reported in neighboring Bahrain.
Moreover, the intensification of sectarian conflict between
Shiites and Sunnis could complicate matters for the West in its war against
ISIS. Demonstrations by Shiites have erupted in capitals across the Middle East
and violence between the two groups will intensify. One of the main reasons for
the success of ISIS is that it has been able to profit from the sectarian
conflict between Sunnis and Shiites in both Iraq and Syria. However, there it
has been the opposite to Saudi Arabia and has involved discrimination by Shiite
elites against underprivileged Sunnis.
In Iraq, The exclusion of Sunnis from the political
process led to the sectarian civil war of 2006-7 in which over 600,000 people
lost their lives. When following the civil war, promises made of more
power-sharing were renegaded upon, Sunnis lost faith in a solution to their
problems inside the existing Iraqi state. The feelings of exclusion,
discrimination and inequality intensified and were key reasons why Sunni tribes
and opposition forces from Saddam Hussein's regime joined forces with ISIS.
They made alliances with the ISIS through which many regions would be governed
by Sunni tribal leaders under ISIS tutelage, and they have been given important
governmental and security positions in the running of the caliphate more
Many do not agree with the ideology of ISIS, but compared to
the old Iraq, ISIS has provided them with protection from sectarian Shiite
attacks, offered them jobs and some role in the government of their own lands.
Without their support, ISIS would never have been able to achieve the
spectacular military successes it did, nor rule such a large area of Iraq.
Indeed, without the continuing backing of the Sunni tribes, ISIS would be in
danger of losing most of the territory it now holds.
The danger is that the executions may further provoke the
powerful Shiite militias fighting ISIS to take revenge on innocent Sunnis. They
have already carried out atrocities against the local Sunni population in areas
they won back from the jihadists. What could make the matter worse is that the
Sunni tribes in the south of Iraq, especially in the important Anbar province,
are linked by ties to the same tribes which inhabit the northern regions of
Saudi Arabia. An intensification of Shiite/Sunni sectarian violence could, in
turn, push the Sunni tribes further into the arms of ISIS.
In Syria, similar sectarian problems have been at the heart
of the civil war. The Sunnis, who make up 70% of the population, were
discriminated against under the old regime and were angry at the domination of
the minority Shia Alawite elite, who represent only around 10% of the
population, but dominated government and held most officers' positions in the
army and security services. Assad – an
Alawite – derailed the revolution against him into a sectarian civil war, and
used the Alawite-led army against the Sunni protesters, as well as unleashing
the criminal-based, thugs of the Alawite militia, the shabiha, who carried out
massacres and atrocities in Sunni villages and towns. In the turmoil, ISIS
again stepped in and presented themselves as the only real force capable of
defending Sunnis.
The sectarian conflict in the Middle East is a lose-lose
situation for both communities. Its roots are not just theological, but arise
from economic conditions and inequalities, intensified by discrimination, and
now inflamed by the violence of war. The fall in living standards that resulted
from the world recession was the tipping point. Prior to that, despite the
dictatorships and discrimination, there was stability and a relatively good
standard of living. Under those conditions, Sunnis and Shiites lived in
reasonable harmony. Many regions of Baghdad, for instance, were mixed
communities and marriage between Sunnis and Shiites was common. The US invasion
of Iraq destroyed all that.
It isn't the peoples or religious differences, which are to blame for this situation. If one digs deeper, one will always find the dirty hands of Imperialism and its puppets
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