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Source: Wall Street Journal |
Richard Mellor
Afscme Local 444, retired
Einstein defined insanity as Insanity: “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different
results.”. For a minute I thought
that describes the labor hierarchy to a T. But it doesn’t. They do the same
thing over and over again for the same results.
They appeal to the bosses, their courts and their Democratic
Party to stop attacking their members’ wages and benefits or else they’ll,
they’ll, er send them 100,000 e mails. If that doesn’t work, they’ll lobby
Congress or as a last resort might file a lawsuit.
Naturally, the employers are not culled by such militant
rhetoric. They have learned over decades that the heads of organized labor are
no threat to them, they are an ally, they will not mobilize the potential power
of organized labor for fear it will inspire millions of workers to rise up and
fight back against austerity and the capitalist offensive, in fact they
suppress resistannce. The bosses’ do not
fear them.
Pennsylvania governor, Democrat Tom Wolf, has thrown in the
towel, (not that he ever threw it out) and is calling for retirement cuts “for new state hires and current workers”,
the Wall
Street Journal reports today. A
spokesperson for the governor tells the Journal that “The governor absolutely wants to make sure state workers have a secure
retirement, but this was a compromise budget and he’s dealing with an
overwhelmingly Republican-led Legislature,”
Now that’s why the average US worker hates politicians, even
those that still bother to vote. The governor is for us……but. Watch out for those buts. The only possible outcome for workers and
union members in these cases is downhill quickly or downhill slowly. Presented
with these two options, union members take the later and slide in to a deeper
hole and further demoralization.
Since the end of the Great Recession, 25 out of 34 states that have had Democratic governors have slashed retirement benefits for public sector
workers. The union hierarchy admits that the Democrats are the lesser of two
evils option, hoping that the good old days of the Post World War 11 boom will
return and that the bosses will be a little less aggressive. Tom Wolf says his goal is to spend more on education and he
has to get the money somewhere, plus, state and local governments are spending
4% of their annual budgets to fund retirement systems up from 2.3% in 2002.
Wolf’s divide and rule strategy should be rejected of
course. After all, public sector workers send our children to public schools
as well. It is robbing Peter to pay Paul and a very successful way to divide
the opposition. And isn’t that better
than the Republicans who end define benefit plans altogether sending workers in
to 401k’s?
Democrats argue that they have no choice but to “revamp” pension benefits given the
deficits and underfunding of pensions which grew due to “…deep investment losses in the wake of the financial crisis…”. And whose fault was that crisis?
The “experts” atop
the AFL-CIO that the members are unfortunately saddled with, have countered the
offensive with some militant threats of their own, “If it’s a Democrat undermining our members, they’ll feel the heat as
much as if they were a Republican,” says Steven Kreisberg, the national
director of research and collective bargaining at this writer's former union,
Afscme. I’ll bet Steve has the right education, degree and connections that
helped him get such a prestigious position in a major union; there’s no way
he’d be a common backhoe operator like me. It’s a shame he’s worthless. What “heat” is he talking about? The 100,000
e mails in the WSJ article? Perhaps that Afscme might spend a few hundred
thousand dollars of its members’ hard earned dues money electing a different
Democrat. That’ll work won’t it?
Well, I guess I’m right about that, “Public-sector unions have countered by filing lawsuits to block cuts,
saying the pension plans have legal protections, and spending big to support
alternate political candidates.” the WSJ article adds. This is not a new strategy, it is has a record
of proven failure and they will not support “alternate political candidates”,
they will support alternate Democratic candidates. But, and I stress this, it does not
meet Einstein’s definition of insanity because the strategists atop organized
labor like Mr. Kreisberg don’t for one minute think “different results” will be the result. Him and others like him
know that the result will be, at best, a slightly slower decline.
The union hierarchy is hanging on to their jobs as best they can. It’s a good deal, pretty much a position for life with great benefits and they don’t have to work under the concessionary contract they force on their members. They are so popular here in the Bay Area that in 2009, a UFCW regional council leadership chose the CEO of the corporation as its person of the year, I guess a shop steward or long time dues payer wasn't available. They are very progressive these guys, they used the gender neutral “person”, not so progressive though when it comes to the wages and benefits of their own members; they force concessions on any and all genders, not in equal doses I figure.
But all is not lost.
We have reason to be optimistic but there are conditions. First, there’s
an abundance of money in society. There is the obvious and that’s the trillions
spent on fighting US capitalism’s predatory wars abroad. Maintaining the more
than 200 bases around the world and the huge domestic and international spy
network that puts the crude methods of the old Stalinist KGB to shame. There is
the billions spent propping up dictators and ruthless regimes like the Saudi’s,
the $2 billion a year we paid Egypt’s Mubarak and billions more to the
In addition, yesterday the WSJ reported that James R Moffett, the
77-year old chairman of Freeport McMoRan, the giant US mining company that once
had the war criminal Henry Kissinger on its board, was forced out. Their
precious market has not been good to raw material prices and the company has
lost a lot of money under Mr. Moffett’s watch lately. Despite a bad record of late Moffett will receive a $79.4
million pay package to help him enjoy his retirement and that could reach
greater heights if the company’s share price goes up. “Jim
Bob” as Moffett is called by his mates will also get an additional $1.5
million a year as a “consultant”. And we can’t afford a $15 an hour minimum wage
for workers? Moffett’s cash is paid for
in the blood of West Papua’s indigenous tribes as Freeport McMoRan funded the
Indonesian governments slaughter of those that resisted McMoRan’s environmental destruction at the Grasberg
Mine.More about that another time.
The point is that public sector workers like this writer do
get better pensions. But we are in a minority, a dying breed. The bosses play
the divide and rule card and blame us for destroying the economy, for forcing
public service cuts and reductions. The labor hierarchy has no answer to this
and instead whines about how these policies hurt their members and how we
deserve this etc. The other 80% of the working class not unionized or outside
the public sector have no sympathy for this argument. What they would have
sympathy for is a major organizing campaign for public spending on social
infrastructure and union jobs and for defined benefit pensions to be expanded
to all workers.
Showing where the money is no problem. The problem the labor
hierarchy has with this strategy, going on the offensive, is that it would
raise expectations of their own members and inspire millions of workers
nationally. Mobilizing for an offensive
against the 1% for what we need to live a decent life can only lead to chaos
from the labor hierarchy’s point of view which is the worship of capitalism and
the market. They have the same worldview as the bosses and their strategy is
designed to help them.
This offensive will not cease of its own accord. US
capitalism cannot afford “guns and
butter” as we have stated on this blog before. While the leadership of organized labor is
responsible for the delay of a broad working class offensive of our own, the
rank and file union member is responsible for not openly confronting these
failed policies of the leadership, building fighting rank and file opposition
caucuses in the locals and in our workplaces where our power lies, in other
words, offering an alternative leadership with an alternative strategy. Abandoning the Team Concept and rejecting austerity has to be a
starting point.
There are thousands of members of left groups or
anti-capitalist groups also members of organized labor. Many of them are
actually in leadership positions but refuse to openly campaign against the
catastrophic policies of the present leadership and more often than not conceal
their politics in order avoid a direct confrontation with the hierarchy. But it
is impossible to offer oneself as an alternative to the status quo without
coming in to conflict with the present leadership that supports it. Not
building a base among the rank and file around fighting polices and direct
action tactics, leaves many genuine, activists and leftists in particular,
susceptible to the power we have to confront.
When the crunch comes as it inevitably will and sides have
to be taken, they too end up in a compromise that is made without the active
participation and consent of the dues paying member. They end up like those
they claim they want to replace making the same excuses.
We should raise our expectations; keep our goals lofty. We
reject that there is no money in society. We demand what we need not what is
acceptable or “realistic” to
Democratic Party politicians or their agents atop organized labor. We demand
and will fight for, housing, education, jobs, and end to racism, sexism and all
forms of discrimination that divides us. We will fight to protect the natural
world that capitalism is making uninhabitable. We stand for more leisure time
and more time to participate in the organization of work and society in
general. We do not expect the 1% or their political parties to provide this; we
will build our own movement and political party and take it.
We will overcome the obstacle in our own consciousness influenced by the 1%’s propaganda and provide our children with a future here on this planet in cooperation with all humanity and in harmony with nature, not at war with it.
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