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Alex Tsipras |
by Richard Mellor
Afscme Local 444, retired
The victory of Syriza, as I wrote in a previous commentary, is not simply a victory for the Greek working class but for workers throughout Europe and the world. But as with union victories, sitting in the drivers seat brings new hurdles and demands bold action.
The victory of Syriza, as I wrote in a previous commentary, is not simply a victory for the Greek working class but for workers throughout Europe and the world. But as with union victories, sitting in the drivers seat brings new hurdles and demands bold action.
The Greek working class has made it clear that it rejects
the austerity agenda forced on it by the Troika, the EU, the European Central
Bank (ECB) and the IMF. The pages of the
Wall Street Journal and other major journals of US and global capitalism have
chided the Greeks for their “profligate” lifestyles. As always, it is workers who are to blame for
the capitalist economic crisis.
Alongside the Troika, it is Germany and Angela Merkel that
has stood firmly against any relief for the
“profligate” Greeks. But with Syriza’s victory the landscape has changed
and, for what we hope is not just a brief moment in time, the European and
global bourgeois are on the defensive. But now is not the time for hesitation.
As in all events of this nature, whether an electoral or
trade union surge of working class power, it is not the leadership so much that
concerns the strategists of capital but whether or not this upsurge from below
can be contained and its desires and aspirations held within the straitjacket
of capitalism and the market.
the present epoch there is little room to maneuver. The strategists of capital
are embarking on an all out war against the Greek workers' victory spreading,
especially to the poor countries of Europe, Spain where the left leaning
Podemos has made gains and where there have been huge rallies against
austerity and Portugal, and Ireland where we have seen rising protests, more
recently against water charges. In Britain as well, there is growing anger at
the savage assault the old Etonian Cameron is waging against workers and the
are already rifts between the world’s capitalist powers as the need to stop the
contagion from spreading mounts and it is Merkel that is facing some of the
harshest criticism for her tough stance against relief for the Greeks. Bloomberg
Business Week’s latest issue (Feb 2nd) warns. “It’s Time to Give Greece a
Break.”. Bloomberg supports Syriza’s
leader, Alex Tsipras’ call for a European Debt Conference aimed at reducing the
“debilitating obligations” the Greeks have to the moneylenders, Germany in
particular. “Unlikethe rest of party’s program…”, Business Week maintains, “…this idea makes sense.”
have been precedents as those more open to some Greek relief point to the
Marshall plan for Germany at the end of WW2 when Creditors forgave 50% of
German debt and plowed cash in to the economy. It was in the best interests of
capital in order to keep the scourge of communism at bay and the possibility of
the Soviet Union becoming a pole of attraction to a starving German working
class. This is the cause of the recent
calls for Merkel to be more flexible and support Greek aid, capital is looking after its own interests and sometimes a temporary retreat is in one's own interests. The situation in Greece with half of the
population living in poverty and one in four Greeks unemployed is what has led
to Syriza’s victory and it is in global capitals interest to contain it. We must also not forget the possible role Russia and Putin might play if the Greeks have nowhere to turn.
program has called for a “European New Deal” promising help for some of the
most desperate ,like meal subsidies for some 300,000 families, raising the
minimum wage and putting public sector workers back to work. But Tsipiras has made it clear that Syriza is
willing to negotiate with the bankers.
Economist Jean-Marc-Daniel underscored the general mood of the bond
holders and moneylenders who determine the policy of governments when he said
on a French TV show, that the super rich are not threatened by Syriza’s election, “The stock market does not usually
like the beginning of ‘left’ governments..." the economist said, "....but it picks up gradually as they
abandon their program. What is most striking about Alexis Tsipras, is that he
is already diluting his program,” WSW.
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Yanis Varoufakis |
new finance minister Yanis Varoufakis has been traveling the continent trying
to convince governments to back a renegotiation of the Greek bailout as opposed
to an extension of the present deal that expires February 28th.
Varoufakis’ tone has been more confrontational than Tsipras’ who, according to the Financial Times, reassured European and global capital over the weekend that he was not “seeking conflict” and hoped to “reach a mutually beneficial agreement”. Here we have the “Team Concept” in global politics. There is no “mutually beneficial” agreement that will lead to long-term security for Greek workers. Tsipras also phoned Mario Draghi, the president of the ECB, representing one third of the dreaded Troika to “reassure him of his intention to reach a deal” according to the Financial Times. This was a call he didn't need to make. Those of us that have lived through negotiations at the labor/management bargaining table cringe at such a pre-emptive strategy assuring the boss that we're not committed to a fight. It mirror images the approach the labor bureaucracy has to contract negotiations.
Varoufakis’ tone has been more confrontational than Tsipras’ who, according to the Financial Times, reassured European and global capital over the weekend that he was not “seeking conflict” and hoped to “reach a mutually beneficial agreement”. Here we have the “Team Concept” in global politics. There is no “mutually beneficial” agreement that will lead to long-term security for Greek workers. Tsipras also phoned Mario Draghi, the president of the ECB, representing one third of the dreaded Troika to “reassure him of his intention to reach a deal” according to the Financial Times. This was a call he didn't need to make. Those of us that have lived through negotiations at the labor/management bargaining table cringe at such a pre-emptive strategy assuring the boss that we're not committed to a fight. It mirror images the approach the labor bureaucracy has to contract negotiations.
the retreat of Syriza’s leadership is gaining some momentum, Syrizia’s victory
has not yet been sabotaged. That the
Greek workers elected Syriza at all is no small matter and the rifts that have
started to develop between elements within Europe and US capitalism with
regards to Merkel’s intransigence are a positive development even as we
recognize it is a strategy to undermine working class militancy and the spread
of opposition to the capitalist offensive throughout Europe.
One the eve of Syriza’s electoral victory I shared the
enthusiasm that millions of workers throughout the world shared, but
stressed that an
“….first task for Syriza and its allies would be to take in to public ownership
the banks, financial institutions and the dominant sections of the Greek
economy.” This is still a crucial road
to go down and failure to do so can ensure the Greek workers’ stand will be for
addition, the opposition shown in Greece must spread throughout the continent.
There were huge demonstrations in Spain earlier this week and the effects of
the capitalist offensive are being felt throughout the continent from Italy to
Ireland and the UK. Syriza’s leadership
should refuse to meet with representatives of the Troika whose ultimate goal is austerity and further assaults on the European working class. Instead, Syriza should be
sending, in a joint effort with Greek trade unions, delegations of Greek workers
throughout Europe to meet and discuss in workplaces, union meetings and with left
forces and all the campaigns against cuts in these countries calling for on
an all European conference against austerity and for the building of a continent
wide movement against this capitalist offensive. If Tsipras and Syriza deems it necessary to negotiate with the Troika it should be with the above goals in mind and all negotiations, if they take place, should be open and conducted in the social media we have today that allows for the largest audience to participate in matters that affect all of our lives.
the immediate results of this strategy would be increased divisions among the
EU as well as the Troika and a German retreat with regards to the Greek
bailout, this would be a tremendous victory and open up the possibility of further
gains, socialist policies and the ultimate demise of the dictatorship of
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