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Gettelfinger, King and Ford CEO Mullally; they love the Germans now |
By Richard Mellor
AFSCME Local 444, retired
The UAW’s defeat in its attempt to unionize the VW plant in Chattanooga Tenn. Should come as no surprise. There was a massive anti-union campaign by right wing pro business groups and Republican politicians it is true, but the primary blame for the defeat falls on the shoulders of the UAW leadership and its failed strategy.
The UAW’s defeat in its attempt to unionize the VW plant in Chattanooga Tenn. Should come as no surprise. There was a massive anti-union campaign by right wing pro business groups and Republican politicians it is true, but the primary blame for the defeat falls on the shoulders of the UAW leadership and its failed strategy.
The UAW leadership has filed an appeal with the US
government asking the NLRB to investigate the election in the hope that it can
be thrown out and a new one held; good luck there. Anything but rely on the
collective and united power of workers. The UAW leadership is claiming that a
concerted campaign by Republican politicians, former mayor of Chattanooga
Senator Bob Corker for one and right wing groups like the National
Right To Work Legal Defense Foundation, Americans for Tax Reform and the
Competitive Enterprise Institute are responsible.
election went against the UAW for the same reason that we have suffered defeat
after defeat over the past 40 years and our living standards and working
conditions continue to deteriorate and that is the Team Concept. The Team Concept is the disastrous philosophy
adopted by the entire labor leadership that workers and bosses have the same
material and economic interests; that we are all on the same team. The leadership’s collaboration with
management stems from this approach. Its
disastrous effects are also felt every the job as union reps from staffers to
rank and file stewards who support this view fail to confront the bosses
aggressively to defend the folks who pay the dues.
is so often the case, the UAW signed a neutrality agreement* with the VW
bosses. Of course, the boss is never
neutral no matter what agreement they sign and nor should we be. In order not
to jeopardize their relationship with the VW bosses the UAW leadership also refused
to join with local union and community activists preferring a go it alone
approach as Micah Uetrich explains in his
excellent al Jazeera piece on the election.
Workers already in unions were willing to help but were given the cold
shoulder by the UAW leadership and when the community group, Chattanooga For
Workers held a community forum to support the drive only three UAW members were
present according to Uetrich.
doesn’t take rocket science to figure out that coming in to the notoriously
anti-union South to unionize workers would be made a lot easier by joining with
local folks and community organizations. But it get’s worse. In the deal with
the VW bosses, the UAW hierarchy and their staff were given permission to visit
VW workers on the job in the break rooms. In return they agreed not to visit
workers in the privacy of their own homes without a prior invitation. Uetrich
points out the importance of home visits compared to break room visits:
“But house visits from
union organizers to workers are essential to successful union drives. There is
a process of telling stories, answering questions and overcoming fears that has
to take place through genuine relationship building long before workers are
ready to vote for a union. Those relationships are built through a level of
intimacy and frankness in conversation that can't be replicated in a passing
conversation in a break room. The UAW organizing staff surely knows this; but
why they decided not to push back against VW’s insistence on no house visits is
a mystery.”
I could have stated it better except that there is no
mystery to it. The Union leaders accept
capitalism as the only form of social organization. Profits are sacrosanct and
the market is the answer to all things.
The UAW leadership didn’t join with local groups because these groups
were seriously interested in getting a union. This inevitably means a
confrontation with the boss. The Team
Concept does not allow this. It is impossible to mobilize the potential power
of your members against the boss when they are supposedly on the same team. Their worship of profits and the market and
having no alternative, means that for them, mobilizing their members can only
lead to chaos.
But to show how important company profits and the bosses’
interests are to the UAW leadership they even committed to "maintaining and where possible enhancing the cost advantages and
other competitive advantages that (Volkswagen) enjoys relative to its
It was this pact with the devil, or between two devils, that
helped get the no vote according to one of the “no” organizers, VW employee Mike Jarvis. He
told the Washington Post, “People on
the fence were persuaded by a clause in the Neutrality Agreement negotiated
between Volkswagen and the UAW before the election, which established this as
one of the principles of collective bargaining: "maintaining and where
possible enhancing the cost advantages and other competitive advantages that
VWGOA enjoys relative to its competitors in the United States and North
America." In other words, keeping wages and benefits from getting too high
relative to the already-unionized Big Three automakers in Detroit.”
All of this was done behind the backs of workers. Who would
want to join a union like that? A “no”
vote under these circumstances is not so much an anti-union vote is it? The UAW
is not alone in this approach. The entire leadership of organized labor
functions this way to the detriment of the rank and file member and to all
workers, union or not. Workers built unions to protect us from the market not
facilitate our own exploitation. This is
why your local rep appears to be in bed with the boss. It is not so much that
they are corrupt or taking bribes and things like this. It is because they are
ideologically corrupt, ideologically bankrupt.
Any rank and file worker or opposition caucus that aims to replace the
present leadership and their class collaboration policies will do the very same
thing if they do not openly condemn and reject the Team Concept from the off and
develop a program and strategy that confronts the bosses rather than
collaborates with them.
I was listening to some reps from my former union recently
and they frequently used the term “harmony”
and “equilibrium” to describe the
process of negotiations with management. Their whole approach is not to “antagonize” the boss; one of them
actually said that. That’s like entering
the boxing ring and being worried about hitting your opponent in case they hit
The relation between bosses and workers is not now and never will be a “harmonious” one. It is by its very nature a conflicting one as one side profits from the labor of the other; one doesn’t have to be a socialist to understand that. This is especially true of corporations and we recognize that many community businesses try as best they can to treat their workers fairly under the circumstances. But the relationship is always an unfair exchange. We should heed the appeal from New England laborers some 170 years ago when they proclaimed:
"Brethren we conjure you...not to believe a word of what is being said about your interests and those of your employers being the same. Your interests and theirs are in a nature of things, hostile and irreconcilable. Then do not look to them for relief...Our salvation must, through the blessing of God, come from ourselves. It is useless to expect it from those whom our labors enrich."
Lastly, it’s important to note that with a considerable
anti-union campaign and a completely pathetic organizing strategy the vote was only 712 to 626
against joining the United Auto Workers. That shows class-consciousness is not
dead down there by any means.
* A young worker who worked as an organizer for the SEIU some years ago described to me what it was like organizing under a neutrality agreement:
“The Union I work for has
many locals, but the number is shrinking as a result of the international's
policy of pushing locals to consolidate their memberships along industrial
lines. They want to have big locals that
represent single industries in entire regions and so that they can concentrate
their resources on increasing "market share."
I t would be great to see a
broad opposition develop within this union -- while I have learned a good
deal about the nuts and bolts of organizing in a working class context, I also
have learned the ways in which the union's organizing policy can really
miseducate workers. I'm on a team of 4
organizers organizing a large employer. My Union, as you may know, has a
neutrality agreement with this employer.
All the flyers and leaflets we put out have to be run by a censor of the
employer. Right now I am collecting
quotes and pictures from workers in the departments I'm responsible for to be
put on a "Vote Yes!" flyer that will be mailed out. Naturally some workers want to put things
like "This company just cares about the bottom line, while we care about a
good work environment and caring for patients.
A union will help us take back some power from management." I have to tell these workers, who
I've won the partial confidence of and have been working with
for more than a month now, that they can't write that because it violates the
Agreement between the union and management!
The "Agreement"
(it's always spelled in caps) also takes away the workers' right to strike,
picket, sick out, or in general mobilize, for years. The current contract negotiations, which will
occur between tens of thousands of workers and management, are blanketed
by a no-strike agreement and will leave the workers' fate up to the
hands of an arbitrator. The company
violates the Agreement all the time -- sometimes even firing workers trying to
organize, sponsoring vote-no committees, etc, but we can't violate the
agreement, ever, at the orders of the organizing directors. These are all reasons that I've decided to
leave, I feel dishonest organizing people under this wretched agreement... I'm glad that the Union is expanding --
organizing is definitely the orientation of the organization -- but the
organizing occurs in a very bureaucratic way which often utilizes the workers
more as extras than as the central actors of the process. I'm glad that workers are getting a union,
but I don't want to be complicit in selling them out or misleading them.”
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