Some readers of this blog might know that I was active in
Irish revolutionary politics and a member of the Bogside Defense Committee.
This elected committee ran the Bogside area of Derry after the uprising there
in 1969. I was a participant in this uprising. I later joined the Militant
group, and was its first full time organizer in Ireland. The Militant would become
the Irish section of the Committee for a Workers International which was set up
in 1974. I was later expelled from the CWI in 1996. Over the past years I have
been thinking what mistakes if any we, (that is myself as an individual, as well
as the Militant and the CWI) made with regard to our work in Ireland.
I feel that our general position was correct. This was
that none of the fundamental problems of Ireland could be solved on the basis
of capitalism. Only a united working class by overthrowing capitalism and
establishing a democratic socialist society could solve the problems. While I think this general position was
correct there are a few points that I would like to make. In retrospect I think
we insufficiently stressed how the theory of the permanent
revolution applied to Ireland. In fact I was a member of the Militant from
1970 and had recruited six members to that organization before I even
heard of the theory of the permanent revolution. And even then it was not from Militant.
There have been some important developments in Ireland
recently. Former leading Provo’s
and INLA activists have
publicly criticized their own past methods. They have stated honestly and openly
that some of these and specifically their military campaign was a mistake. This is a significant development and
socialists and all anti-capitalist activists should welcome it. Socialists
should make it a priority to discuss with these activists. When the leader’s of
the Provo’s like Adams and McGuiness concluded their military campaign could
not work, they moved to the right in their politics and economic policies. It will be a big step forward if these
leading figures who are now speaking out are looking to move left.
These former Provos and INLA member that I have
mentioned state that the military campaign was not worth one life. This is
an example to us all. It is honorable and admirable that they can openly and
honestly state so clearly what they see as their mistakes in relation to a 30-year
war where many of their Comrades died and in which so much emotion and sacrifice
was involved. Contrast this approach to so many revolutionary left
groups who cannot admit to a single mistake, even mistakes such as an undemocratic
internal life.
I believe that the emphasis in discussing with the former
Provos and INLA member who have stated that they no longer believe their
military campaign was correct has to be to explain that there is no
solution to any of the fundamental problems of Irish society on the basis of
capitalism. It is not hard in the present climate to make the case that the
only way the economic problems of Ireland North or South can be resolved is if
capitalism is overthrown and a democratic socialist society established.
This approach also applies to the issue of the border, or as
we used to call it, the remnant of the
national question. The country cannot be united on a capitalist basis. Any
attempt to do this would result in civil war. The only way the
country can be united is on a socialist basis. That is a socialist
revolution North and South and a democratic socialist Ireland. And this can
only come about on the basis of a united working class Protestant and Catholic,
North and South.
However, and here my position has evolved in relation to
Ireland. There has been a 30 year war. In spite of the Sinn Fein and Democratic
Unionist Party cuddling up to each other the North is more divided than ever
before. Sectarianism is even more institutionalized and consolidated. The
Protestant population is even more dug in. The memory of the last 30 years is
fresh. So the question I am grappling with is if the country is to be united
how would this happen. .
This is where an aspect of the theory of the permanent
revolution comes in, an aspect to which in my opinion, the Militant, and in
fact all left groups gave insufficient attention. That is the international
aspect. Republican groups gave no attention to this theory at all never
mind to its international aspect. The Official Republican movement was
dominated by a Stalinist bureaucracy which continually slandered and attacked
Trotskyism and the theory of the Permanent Revolution. .
The Theory of the Permanent Revolution is relatively simple.
It explains that in countries such as Ireland which came on the scene of
history late, when giant imperialist powers already ruled the world, the only
way such countries could progress was by the working class taking power and carrying
through any of the tasks of the capitalist revolution that had not already been
carried out and then moving on directly to carry out the socialist tasks and
the socialist revolution. The tasks of the capitalist or bourgeois revolutions were
land reform, the unification of the national territory and the development of a
modern economy.
In Ireland the Irish capitalist class was too weak to carry
out these tasks. But this did not mean nothing changed. Faced with the rise of
the Land League in the 1880’s, faced with the rise of the working class in
England, Scotland and Wales and Ireland, faced with increased challenges from
its rivals abroad, British imperialism retreated on one front. It bought out
the landlord class in Ireland in the last decades of the 1880’s. Thus British Imperialism, not Irish capitalism
“solved” the land question in the
sense of ending feudalism and establishing capitalist agriculture.
However Irish capitalism remained too weak to carry out its
other tasks, one of which is developing a modern economy with a developed home
market. There were steps in this direction by the money from the EU and the
investment from foreign corporations. But the Southern Irish economy now lies
in tatters and is dominated by foreign capital arguably to a greater extent
than ever before. Irish capitalism was not able to carry out its economic task.
The Great Irish socialist James Connolly looked in the
direction that capitalism could not solve the problems, that socialism was
necessary, that only the working class could solve the problems. As he said in
his famous quotation: “ the cause of
labor was the cause of Ireland the cause of Ireland was the cause of labor.”
Unfortunately the labor leaders who came after him abandoned this position and
replaced it with “Labor must wait.”
Unfortunately Connolly was to put this position lower on his agenda when he
participated in the premature 1916 uprising.
But it was not only Connolly who looked in this direction.
Liam Mellows the left wing Republican
from the west of Ireland wrote to De
Valera from prison saying that capitalism should be ended and the dominant
sectors of the economy should be nationalized. No wonder the Free Stater’s shot
him. Without ever having heard of Trotsky or the Theory of Permanent Revolution,
both Connolly and Liam Mellows were groping towards this view as it pertained
to the colonial world and to countries like Ireland at that time. There are
hints of this in the movie The Wind That Shakes The Barley. Connolly and Mellows
were more correct than any wing of the Republican leadership over the past
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Now to the national question which is also one of the tasks
of the capitalist revolution. That is the establishment of an independent
unified territory. Irish capitalism played no role of any significance in the
war of independence from 1918 to 1921. In fact in the 1916 uprising that proceeded
this war Irish capitalism through its main mouthpiece Murphy who had crushed
the 1913 Dublin workers struggle called for British Imperialism to keep
executing the fighters until Connolly was murdered.
The end of the war of independence was marked by the treaty which
left Ireland divided. Irish capitalism was shown to be unable to unify the
national territory. The country ended up divided with 26 counties so-called
independent and 6 counties still ruled by London.
So what does the theory of the permanent revolution have to
say about the situation in Ireland in the present period? It says that only the
working class by taking power and establishing a democratic socialist society
can solve the problems of society. We in Militant always stood on this position;
correctly I believe. But there is another aspect to the theory of the Permanent
Revolution. That is that even if the working class could come to power in a
country such as Ireland, that is a country that had come on the scene of
history later, it could not solve the problems unless it spread the revolution
The mistake Militant made was that while we formally had the
position of the need for international revolution we did not put anything
like sufficient emphasis on this. We did not put sufficient emphasis on the
fact that the defeat of British Imperialism in Ireland and also the resolving
of the remnant of the national question could only be brought about on an
international basis. That is by the socialist revolution in Ireland, England,
Scotland and Wales and beyond. I believe this is even more so the case today.
Today after a 30 year war, after sectarianism is more
institutionalized than ever, when the Protestant population, the majority in
the North are more opposed to a united Ireland than ever, in my opinion we
cannot just come out for a united Ireland, even a socialist united Ireland and
leave it at that. This would be likely to inflame sectarianism and division and
divide the working class even more.
I believe we have to put emphasis on the international
aspect as explained by the theory of the Permanent Revolution. Yes only if the
working class takes power in Ireland, yes only if capitalism is
overthrown, can the problems be solved. But, and this is central to the theory,
the revolution has to be an international revolution. If the revolution is
isolated to Ireland it will be defeated. Any attempt to solve the
problems in Ireland has to be on the basis of the revolution being spread
throughout Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales.
Look at how this was not seen by the military campaigns of
the past decades. There were bombing campaigns going full blast in the North
and in England when the anti poll tax campaign had mobilized 18 million people
to refuse to pay the poll tax and this campaign defeated this tax and brought
down Thatcher. Instead of trying to
unite with these people who were fighting Thatcher, the military campaigns were
alienating them. This was a very serious mistake. It was made because of the
lack of an international outlook.
So what do we say today and on what should we have been
putting more emphasis in the past? I believe we have to put much more emphasis
on the need for the international socialist revolution. That is for the
socialist revolution throughout England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. And out
of this the establishment of a socialist federation with the right of
self-determination for all nations.
But here comes the tricky part. Self Determination as far as
Marxism is concerned has been seen as applying to nations. But the Protestant
population is not a nation. It does not have a separate and distinct language.
It only arguably has a distinct culture though this has been strengthened in
the past decades. It does not have a distinct territory. So how do we deal with
this? We have to deal with it by avoiding sticking to rigid formulations and
positions which have been passed over by events. Flexibility is necessary and we
have to face up to the real world.
What is of the greatest of importance is how do we avoid a
civil war and sectarian conflict in the North and Ireland which would spread to
England Scotland and Wales? What
do we say about the North and how do we avoid a sectarian conflict? Any policy we would adopt would have to be one
which would prevent the minority Catholic population again being discriminated
against. But also we have to have a policy that would avoid the majority
Protestant population feeling that they were going to be forced into a Catholic
dominated united Ireland against their will. If they felt this they would be
left open to being mobilized in a sectarian campaign against a socialist
revolution and open to the repartition of the North and the driving of the
Catholic population out of the North East.
While giving emphasis to the need for the revolution to be
international we have to give concrete consideration to how the issue of
borders and territory in Ireland will be handled. We also have to say that in
relation to the North and Ireland as a whole we will have to see how the
situation will evolve. I believe we have to leave the answer to this question
open. We cannot be definitive until we see how things develop. If a movement would
develop for a united Ireland under nationalist leadership this would
most likely be used by the bourgeois in Britain and Ireland to
mobilize sections of the Protestant population as a reactionary force
against any danger of a socialist revolution and against the working class in
general. So what do we say?
So we say that we have to leave open what form the
borders or border in Ireland will take. If the socialist revolution were to
start and be carried through first in England, Wales and Scotland and
then spread to Ireland on this basis Ireland could possibly move
directly to a united socialist Ireland. However if this were not the case then
a real, as Connolly said, carnival of reaction could open up. Given the history
of divide and rule by British Imperialism, the sectarian Catholic capitalist
state in the South, the war of the past decades, it is hard now to see the
socialist revolution beginning in the North. It is more likely that it will
develop first in the South or in England, Scotland or Wales or elsewhere
internationally. What would be important in this situation would be to try and
avoid having a position on any issue, especially on the issue of borders, which
would give the ruling classes the opportunity to develop mass reactionary
forces such as a sectarian Protestant force which would see itself as
preventing being forced into a united Ireland but in the course of this would
be used against the socialist revolution.
With this in mind other options than calling for a united
Ireland have to be considered. As this
is done it should be kept in mind that there is an upcoming referendum on
Scottish independence and the form the so-called united kingdom could take in
the decades ahead could be very different from it is now. A nationalist movement
in Scotland which threatened to break up the bourgeois’ preferred option of the
present status quo could be used by the British bourgeois to stir up sectarian
conflict in Ireland to help British Imperialism achieve its aim of holding on
to the status quo and power.
Leaving the issues of the border(s) open is not to say we rule
out a united Ireland on a socialist basis arising directly out of the socialist
revolution; it is to say that we recognize that an incorrect policy on this
issue could derail the socialist revolution. Any formation would have to have
guarantees for the Catholic minority against discrimination and for the
Protestant population against being forced against their will into a united
Ireland while leaving the actual shapes of the borders and territories open. .
Even with the socialist revolution and unity of the working
class against capitalism it would still be necessary to take into account the
sectarian divide and history in the North. Even with the socialist revolution
it might not be possible to go directly to a socialist united Ireland. It might be necessary to put forward some
sort of Canton system in the north such as exists in Switzerland. This country
has 26 Cantons, areas with their own governments and with varying degrees of
independence and autonomy. There might have to be consideration given to some
form of Cantons along the Swiss model at least until the socialist alternative
developed in Ireland and internationally and trust and a change in
consciousness developed out of this.
The main issue is that things have changed and that we must
not close our eyes to this. And most importantly that the situation in Ireland
can only be resolved in the interests of the working class by a united working
class overthrowing capitalism and establishing democratic socialism and this
socialist revolution to take place on an international basis that is spread
I am reminded of the position of Lenin and Trotsky who said
that they would be prepared to sacrifice the Russian Revolution if this would
mean the success of the revolution in Germany because Germany was a much more
advanced and developed capitalist economy and society. I think that this is an
important point to remember. We are internationalists, not nationalists nor
unionists. If it was a choice between a successful revolution in England and a
successful revolution in Ireland what would be most in the interests of the
international working class and therefore in the interests of the Irish working
class? No doubt it would be the successful revolution in England which of
course we would then seek to spread to Ireland. In fact it would be just about
impossible to see a successful socialist revolution in England without this
tending to spread to Scotland and Wales and into Ireland. It would be important
therefore to have a position on the remnant of the national question in
Ireland, that is on the on the border or borders, that would not allow the
bourgeois to mobilize reactionary forces against the socialist revolution and
the international socialist revolution.
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