Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Pussy Riot - Speak against Stalinist Terror

Pussy Riot need our help. Please send messages of support.  You can send a letter of protest here http://bit.ly/IFjrWu   You can sign a petition here  http://bit.ly/OpYXFJ  

Pussy Riot speak out against the mass Stalinist Terror of the past. They oppose the new capitalist thug regime of Putin. This puts the issue of Stalinism and capitalism on the agenda of the masses. This will open the door to a discussion of the role of Trotskyism in the Russian revolution. Ideas that correspond to reality will make their way to the surface. Please support Pussy Riot by sending messages and by demonstrating at Russian embassies world wide. The verdict is on Friday. Free Pussy Riot. 

And while we do so, do not forget Bradley Manning who is being tortured in an American prison for letting the American people and the world know what was being done in the name of the American people.  Link the cases together. Free Bradley manning also. See below where to send messages of support and protest for Bradley. 


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