Monday, March 12, 2012

Women can't rise up by dragging men down

I wanted to blog in response to the earlier blog Women attacked by US right. Nina Turner responds.

I realize Sean was being a bit tongue in cheek putting up this blog and the issue of Senate Bill 307 is intriguing, but my instinct is to oppose a bill that tries to degrade men as equally as women. I think it is analogous to Sen Charles Rangels's attempts to introduce the draft during the Iraq War as a way of spreading the pain of the war to include white middle class males rather than the economic draft that we have now.

Here are some other responses to this attack on women:
In response to recent efforts to limit women's access to reproductive health services, Senator Nina Turner (D-Cleveland) has introduced a bill in the Ohio state Senate that would require men seeking medication for erectile dysfunction to first see a sex therapist. Men would also be required to undergo a cardiac stress test and submit a notarized affidavit from their sexual partner, certifying their impotence.

Turner cited FDA guidelines that doctors determine whether the sexual dysfunction has physical or psychological causes before prescribing erectile dysfunction drugs, such as Viagra. She said her bill would "legislate it the same way mostly men say they want to legislate a woman's womb."

Similarly, in Illinois, a bill was introduced that would require men to watch a video on the side effects of Viagra before being prescribed the drug; and in Virginia, Senator Janet Howell (D) introduced a measure that would mandate that men seeking Viagra submit to a digital rectal exam and undergo a cardiac stress test.
(Ms Magazine)

Instead of this, I think that we should demand that the state respect our desire for families or to limit our families, to increase our sex drive or decrease it as we choose. That is not the case today. It is moral standards or in the case of  men, sexual standards that are imposed on us from on high.

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