Friday, October 21, 2011

OWS. USA an undemocratic society where censorship rules.

We know the right wing media such as Fox News and the Wall Street Journal and the gutter press and most talk show radio live to lie and distort and censor. But we need to remember the so called liberal media are at this too. My companion and I watch MSNBC now and then. A so called liberal station. But look at the censorship of the so called liberal stations. They also celebrate the US imperialist victories round the world without ever questioning why US imperialism takes on to itself to invade other countries and have military bases in almost 200 countries round the world.

Then there is their censorship of domestic issues. When did you ever hear them talk about the undemocratic system that exists here, the fact that a tiny state like Utah has the same number of Senators as a huge state like California, that the electoral college is swayed in this way too and that when they whine on about filibustering in the Senate there is no law that says that this is allowed. It is just that both parties use it and will not end it because when one party is out of power they do not want to change it because they want to use it when they get back in power again. Then there is also the lobbying and PAC system where it is legal to bribe politicians.

And there is the other aspect of the electoral system. There are never elections for all the members of houses of government at the one time, house of representatives, senate and executive. This means that any big movement which tries to use the electoral system to change things has to prolong its struggle over a four year period if it is to elect a majority in the house, the Senate and the White House and pass what the laws it wants.

Then there is the Supreme Court which is not elected and which can rule laws passed by the so called elected bodies unconstitutional. By the way the last I saw six of the Supreme Court members, that is a majority, are members of the undemocratic, anti women, pro-capitalist Catholic church.

The other aspect of censorship lies in programs like Bill Maher which now and then dares to criticize capitalism but never never puts forward any alternative. If they did they would be off the air in a flash. Censorship in the US is worse than in any other advanced capitalist country.

And to add to our last post. Look at the censorship over the holding and torturing of Bradley Manning. Do not forget Bradley in the OWS protests. Let us see some banners calling for his release.


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