Monday, September 19, 2011

Washington's regime in Yemen shoots protesters

While in Britain and the US the focus is on the "brutal" Syrian regime, the developments in Bahrain and Yemen have been shielded from view as much as possible.  We have pointed out many times on this blog the inconsistencies when it comes to dictators and "tyrants" that the US supports and funds as opposed to those whose actions are more independent of US imperialism.  The Bahraini monarchy are notorious human rights abusers as is the Yemeni  regime but, like the former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Yemen and Bahrain are two friends who help protect western capitalism's interests in the region.  Bahrian has 30,000 US troops on its soil ready to defend the oil industry's interests in the area.

There have been protests for months against the Bahraini regime and the monarchy has even tortured medical personnel who aided injured protesters. Britain just invited representatives of this regime to an arms fair here in London where it can purchase all useful little gadgets of torture and suppression. As we have said before, it makes mockery of Washington or Westminsters talk of democracy supporting an absolute monarch against efforts by citizens to introduce democratic reform.  In Yemen 100,000 protested in the capital this weekend only to be fired on by security forces using anti-aircraft guns and heavy weaponry as the video above explains. Today's British papers claim there are 26 dead.

Both these regimes have stayed in power thanks to the US taxpayer.  The US is about to add further fuel to the anti-American fire by voting against Palestinian statehood at the UN, despite that such a resolution changes little if anything on the ground.

As we in the US see more and more poverty and inequality it is time we payed a little more attention to the way our money is spent, we could make friends rather than enemies. It matters not to the people making these disastrous decisions as they do not have to pay for the consequences in the form of reduced living standards or lives.  Anti-Americanism and terrorist groups that can arise out of such conditions has its roots in US foreign policy.  Our enemies are in Congress and the Pentagon more than anywhere else.

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