Saturday, September 3, 2011

The CIA, M16 and Gaddafi: Terrorism's triumvirate

No worries Muammar, we've got your back
It comes as no surprise that the CIA and Britain's M16  intelligence agencies had dirty dealings with the Gaddafi regime.  They worked together kidnapping  people and M16 gave Gaddafi thugs information on Libyan dissidents living in Britain.

This cooperation between the CIA and the Gaddafi regime is "a very dark chapter in American intelligence history, and it remains a stain on the record of the American intelligence services that they cooperated with these very abusive intelligence services", Peter Bouckaert, the emergencies director of Human Rights Watch, is quoted as saying in the British Guardian newspaper.

With all due respect to Mr. Bouckart this is far from the first time the CIA has cooperated with nasty regimes.  It is actually the other way round, the nasty regimes are cooperating with the CIA, the mother of nasty regimes.  The CIA were wreaking havoc in Vietnam before the first troops arrived, creating mayhem and busy laying the groundwork for a more formal and overt intervention that ended up costing some 3 million Vietnamese their lives as well as 67, 000 young Americans.  If we include the effects on families and loved ones in the US, the figures go much higher.  And Vietnamese children are still being born today with deformities and diseases due to the chemicals the US government sprayed over them, their food, and US troops.

US intelligence also gave their friend Saddam Hussein vital information on dissidents in Iraq.  Liberals, socialists, communists, labor activists, Hussein wiped a lot of them out with the help of US intelligence.  Then there's Iran in 1953, Chile, Argentina, panama, you name it.

"It can't come as a surprise that the Central Intelligence Agency works with foreign governments to help protect our country from terrorism and other deadly threats. That is exactly what we are expected to do." says Jennifer Youngblood, a CIA spokeswoman. This is more doublespeak.  The CIA operates not to protect us from terrorism, but to defend US corporations and their plunder of the resources of the particular country they are operating in.  This institution is a master of terrorism.  US foreign policy and the CIA's execution of it is the cause of terrorism and anti-American hostility.  The more we as Americans openly condemn and separate ourselves from these murderous thugs, the safer we'll be.  We hate what corporations do to us and our economy, what do you think they do in a country where workers have almost no rights?  Accusations of being unpatriotic and un-American will fly but these are a smoke screen.

Dictators, one party states, and absolute monarchies make good allies for the CIA in suppressing democratic rights, trade Unions and free speech, many of the ideals Americans claim to honor. And one only has to consider its role in Northern Ireland to understand the ruthless nature of Britain's M16, the CIA's junior partner. Britain trained and armed Libyan security services and, according to the Guardian, new evidence reveals that they even helped Gaddafi with his speeches.

In response to these findings, British  foreign Secretary, William Hague, said that, "On the subject of these apparent disclosures, first of all they relate to a period under the previous government so I have no knowledge of those, of what was happening behind the scenes at that time." We're supposed to believe that a seasoned British bourgeois politician has no clue what goes on in the halls of power.

The first question Americans should have asked ourselves after 911 was: "What on earth is our government doing to generate such hostility?"

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