Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The US Muslim Brotherhood link: is that the new partnership for Washington?

No one in the Middle East gives Obama or any US official's words about dialogue, non violence and democracy any credibility whatsoever.  Every worker in  the Middle East is fully aware that the Saudi troops that were sent in to Bahrain to protect a dictatorship in the form of an absolute monarchy against protesters seeking democratic reforms, went in with the knowledge and support of US capitalism. Had US troops been used, this would have intensified the anger and hatred of the occupation of much of this area by US capitalism and its support of ruthless regimes like the Saudi and Bahraini monarchs.

As Obama speaks, 47 Bahraini medical personnel are being held for treating protesters wounded by government forces. The brutality and violence by the US puppets in the region, Yemen, Bahrain, is handled with kid gloves while Assad gets the UN treatment and threats of sanctions.  There are protests in Iraq also against the US occupation and repression, this is kept out of the US mass media in the main as are protests in Saudi Arabia although the repression is so severe there and backed by US military weaponry that protesting is a very risky business.  The biggest obstacle to secular democracy in the Middle East has been US foreign policy, which is also the best recruitment tool for terrorist groups.  The Muslim Brotherhood, an organization that has worked very closely with British intelligence and the CIA, may well be the most reliable US ally in the region through all of this; it is a very pro capitalist organization and opposes secular regimes.  As we know, US imperialism and the CIA have no qualms working with religious fanatics as long as they are anti-worker and pro market.

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