Sunday, June 12, 2011

US capitalism's Bahraini stooges continue to clamp down on reformers

The US's puppet regime in Bahrain is still prosecuting all those who dare criticize this absolute monarchy.  We all saw the brutality with which the regime treated unarmed and peaceful protestors prior to the introduction of a state of emergency.  The protestors encampments were bulldozed with US made equipment just like the homes of Palestinians are. Caterpillar earns a huge percentage of its profits abroad but what is good for Caterpillar is not good for American workers and certainly not good for the vast majority of the people in the Middle East.

The US had its other flunkies, the Saudi's send troops in to smash the movement for democratic rights and reforms, and to discourage further protests but political opposition figures are not the only ones being charged with crimes.   Doctors, nurses and other medical personnel that treated or helped the wounded are in custody for aiding critic of the regime.

The trillions US capitalism spends on security, military hardware and the weapons of mass destruction like drones and other hi tech killing machines is not defense spending but offense spending.  As Americans, do we honestly think that out tax money supporting repressive regimes like the Saudi's, the Bahraini's, the Yemeni's, Mubarak et al makes us friends abroad.  US foreign policy is the source of hatred and animosity toward us, not to mention a contributor to the $14 trillion national debt.

The same forces that are throwing Americans out of jobs and homes and refuse to provide decent education and health care for millions of us, are the ones who have killed one million Iraqi's.  That's why nationalism is such a poisonous trap; it puts us all in the same boat.  Bill Gates isn't our friend, the vast majority of the people trying to free themselves from US supported dictators around the world are; we can't support both.

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