Sunday, May 29, 2011

Twelve Afghan children killed in US/Nato air strike. Is it Al Qaeda or the Taliban they belong to?

Oops! A Nato/US  air strike has killed Afghan civilians yet again; about 14 of them this time. The Afghan authorities claim 12 of the  dead are children and two of them women.   It shouldn't be a problem though, after all, the top US general in Afghanistan Gen David Petraeus, has apologized. 

The US's puppet in Afghanistan, president Hamid Karzai is finding it harder and harder to not break ranks as the disastrous occupation continues. He was forced to condemn the strike  "Kabul had repeatedly asked the US to stop raids that killed civilians and this was his "last warning",  the BBC reports.  But the White House has announced that it shared Karzai's concerns and takes them "very seriously". Well, you can't be any fairer than that.  What a nice White House.

Not only does the White House take it seriously when its military drop bombs on Afghan children by mistake, the statement from Petraeus and other generals promises to "ensure that we make amends with the families in accordance with Afghan culture" Is there some Afghan rule book that has a section on compensation when children are bombed by an occupying force?  Does it have a section on accidental bombing as opposed to intentional bombing?

President Karzai's office announced that "the president called this incident a great mistake and the murdering of Afghanistan's children and women, and on behalf of the Afghan people gives his last warning to the US troops and US officials in this regard".  The US doesn't care too much about what it means for Karzai when his friends make such errors, he is learning that being US capitalism's man in Kabul is not the best position to be in.

As local residents carried the corpses of the dead children to the region's capital to present them to the press and the governor of the province, they cried out, "See, they aren't Taliban,". 
This is US foreign policy at work.

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