Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Jerry Brown and Democrats wage war of terror aimed at convincing Calif voters to increase taxes..

Cal Students fighting 32% fee hikes in 2009. More to come?
Economic terrorism is heating up in California as Democrats and the Democratic governor, Jerry Brown are promising to slash education and services even further if voters don't vote to cut their disposable income by extending taxes that are due to expire in a month.  Increasing taxes would bring in just over $14 billion, almost enough to fill the budget deficit hole of $15 billion; until next time anyway.

If voters don't vote yes on the taxes the politicians are saying another $500 million would have to be cut from education on top of $500 million already taken. Fees at the California State University system would increase another 32%, classes would be cut, more staff laid off.  In other words, catastrophe awaits if the voters aren't coerced in to a yes vote on taxes.

"There are no good options, only extreme choices"
, says Charles Reed, Cal State Chancellor.  They should get their way as the governor, the Democrats in the legislature, the capitalist mass media and the leaders of organized labor in the state are all for raising taxes and making workers and the middle class pay for this crisis in one way or another, increased fees and cuts, or increased taxes and cuts.

This proposed budget is what Labor leaders have laughingly called, fair and balanced. We are doing pour bit, our "fair share" to help society in hard times. The budget deficit in the eight economy in the world equals about 25% of the wealth of the Walton family, the owners of Wal Mart. That's fair isn't it?

Of course, the voters of California may well surprise us, ignore the blackmail and the attempt to terrorize us in to a yes vote and vote against increased taxes anyway.  I will not vote to increase my taxes or the taxes of any other worker or middle class person, or small business, by that I mean mom and pops. It is not the money, but the principle.  Firstly, it will not save education it will just make us poorer.  But we must at some point move forward. We must go after the money, and they have it.  We have bailed them out and they want more and more.  I do not accept there is no money. I do not accept that these are the only choices.  We have blogged many times with examples of where the money is and what we can do to get it.

What thugs these people are, all this "could be avoided if voters agree to end taxes due to expire at the need of June", threatens the CSU chancellor.   Three hedge fund managers made $0 billion between them last year, that would almost cover the state's deficit.  What right do they have to that?  I  don't accept they have the right to own that money, they never earned it.  They bet on food prices, oil prices, anything they can bet on and the consequences of their actions is destroyed lives. 

We cannot move forward, cannot turn this concessionary tide if we continue to passively accept their lies and explanations and solutions for the crisis of their system.  The pathetic strategy that the heads of organized Labor put forward, endless rallies that accomplish nothing, wearing pink at demonstrations, writing our Congressperson asking them to "be fair" praying; all this is designed failure.

Wisconsin cold have been the event that began a new course but the Labor leaders and their allies diverted that potential independent movement in to the Democratic Party and electoral masturbation recalling millionaire politicians of one capitalist party replacing them with millionaire politicians of another.

We know that the Labor leaders won't fight as they are wedded to capitalism and the market, they have no independent ideas or alternative. So what's the point of mobilizing the power of Labor, it can only lead to chaos.  I was talking to some of my former co-workers the other day and they were not very happy with the Union because they said the leaders wouldn't fight.  The role of leadership is crucial, but we all have a responsibility, and if we don't agree with the direction our Union is going in we have to actively fight to change it, not just throw insults.

By accepting the choices that we are offered by the bosses' politicians as well as the heads of organized Labor, we are betraying future generations.  We are handing over to the capitalist class what those before us fought heroically to attain. We are telling our youth that we're hanging on to what we have and you can f$#&k  off.

I'm grateful the old timers didn't do that to me.

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