Thursday, April 7, 2011

US workers will have no candidates to vote for in 2012. Change thats promised and not brought at one end and religious nuts and pimps at the other

Mitt Romney
Trump with trophy's
There is not much to choose from when election times roll around in the US.  Obama's "Change We Can Believe In" has turned out to be nightmare but the the Republican field for the 2012 elections is like something out of a Monty Python sketch.  Leading the pack is Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts.  Romney is a multi-millionaire, perhaps billionaire Mormon who, assuming he hasn't abandoned his faith, believes the world is some 6000 years old.

Other contenders are Newt Gingrich who railed against immorality and the loss of family values but admitted (when he had to) that he was having an affair with the woman who became his third wife while still married to his second.  These issues of morality tend to dominate public political discourse as a means of avoiding economic issues.  If we are going to earn $8 an hour whether a Democrat or Republican gets in then the issues become guns or abortion---Jesus or the atheists.

But perhaps the most pathetic example of US politics is a guy who has never held a job or done any productive Labor which is something akin to most of them.  He has been  pimp of sorts but Donald Trump seems to be in the running.  The big issue that Trump is pushing right now?  Barak Obama's birthplace. No wonder Americans don't vote. The objective situation cries out for a mass workers alternative to this garbage.

And the US media and the academic mouthpieces of capitalism call Afghanistan and Somalia "failed states"

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