Saturday, April 30, 2011

NATO assassinates Gaddafi's youngest son and three grandchildren

Left: Clinton with Gaddafi son Mutassim who became head of national security.  It's OK when it suits them.

As Democrats are joining Republicans in curbing Union rights and attacking workers in Massachusetts to save $100 million dollars, three US missiles landed in the home of Gaddafi's youngest son killing him and three of Gaddafi's grandchildren.  These cost a few bucks and the vast majority of the missiles fired in Libya are US weapons.  Couple that with the $30 billion Obama spent sending 30,000 more young workers to Afghanistan at  a million apiece and we might just be able to set the deficits on the right track. And lets not forget that the invasion in Afghanistan was to go after Bin Laden and al Qaeda and the CIA says there's only about 100 of them in Afghanistan.  100,000 US troops are chasing 100 men and there's a drone war in Pakistan.

The US has now  assassinated two of Gaddafi's kids and three of his grandchildren, the second batch under the NATO umbrella.  The UN was supposed to set up a no fly zone to protect civilians. But Saif al Arab, the youngest son, was a civilian as was his grandchildren. Saif was studying in Germany and not considered to be too much of a terrorist threat to do that unharmed.  The US kidnaps people in other countries all over the world so if Saif had been a threat to US interests, the CIA would have nabbed him, or murdered him. I am no fan of Gaddafi or his family but this will increase support for Gaddafi throughout the Arab world to a certain extent.

The Libyan government spokesperson had this to say:

"How is this helping in the protection of civilians? Mr Saif al-Arab was a civilian, a student... He was playing and talking to his father and mother and his nieces and nephews and other visitors when he was attacked and killed for no crime he committed."

And a statement that is as close to the truth as any, he added, "Nato does not care to test our promises. The West does not care to test our statements. They only care to rob us of our freedom, our wealth, which is oil, and our right to decide out future as Libyans."

The view that western capitalism is only interested in plundering the wealth of the region is accurate and held by many people in the Arab world. The US is criticizing Syria and waging war on Libya, the largest oil producer in Africa but it is not bombing Bahrain or Yemen where its stooges are murdering protestors. The US has 30,000 troops in Bahrain and sent in its Saudi stooges to defend the absolute monarchy there.

And Egypt will be opening Gaza's eastern border so food and other supplies can enter which is angering the Zionist regime. The Egyptian military has told Israel that what Egypt does on its borders is not Israel's concern. Things are not going to well for the Pentagon and its flunkies in the region.

When struggle breaks out in to the open, truths are harder to hide. The US and its NATO allies were unsure who these Libyan rebels were and what they might be representing and have been working on developing relations with them and influencing that movement, especially undermining the revolutionary elements, workers and youth.

The assassination of Saif shows how little NATO cares about civilian life and its invasion of Libya is not about that.

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