Sunday, April 10, 2011

Iceland voters refuse to bail out Landsbanksi

Good old Iceland.

The voters of Iceland voted this weekend against using taxpayer money to bail out one of the country's major banks that went bankrupt, or claimed bankruptcy. The bank, Landsbanski offered phony, high yielding accounts to mostly British and Dutch depositors.  In case you're wondering, the British and Dutch governments have already paid the citizens of their respective countries for the money they lost.

The two respective governments are threatening to file a lawsuit against Iceland to recoup the money that its citizens lost.  In a sense, the taxpayers of the Netherlands and Britain are paying the bill.  But still, you have to hand it to the voters of Iceland for telling the bank to eff off.

“Nowhere does it say that Iceland is legally obliged to pay for this ridiculous Landsbanki adventure,” said one Iceland voter who voted against the bailout “If a court finds that we are legally responsible, so be it. Until then: No thanks.”

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