Saturday, March 12, 2011

Union leaders concede defeat. This must be rejected. Not another PATCO. Victory can be achieved.

Workers in action in Wisconsin. Similar anti union laws are being pushed in over twenty other states.

The union leaders have conceded defeat in Wisconsin. They try to hide this by talk of winning some war which they do not specify. But it seems to relate to getting Democrats elected. These are the same Democrats who have carried on the employers' offensive, just as the Republicans have.

We reject that the movement in Wisconsin and the other twenty plus states is defeated. We stand for victory. And here is the way this can be achieved. First of all make the issues clear.

The issues:
# The rich and the corporations are richer than ever before. They have been looting the economy for decades. It is they who must make the concessions to solve the budget deficits. Not a single concession from the working class or the middle class, public sector or private sector. We have been hurt too much already.

#Recognize the significance of Madison. If this anti-union law is allowed to stand this will be a new PATCO. That is, it will be a major defeat for the working class; it will be a new turning point. It will open up a new period of increased attacks on us all. We have to be clear. Defeat in Madison is not acceptable. It will be another PATCO.

Action to be taken:
#Victory can be won. The first step to achieve this is to explain the issues above and mobilize on them. Every union local should discuss these issues, then take action, move resolutions etc, to have them discussed at their Labor councils, then from their Labor councils to the state federations and to the international's and to the AFL-CIO. Mobilize the movement as a whole to reject defeat and achieve victory.

#Set the movement in motion for mass direct action, strikes, general strikes, occupations, no more business as usual, the employers must see that their system will not be allowed to work if they keep on with their attacks. Millions of workers can be mobilized into action if this approach is taken.

#An open and decisive break with the capitalist party the Democrats. The mobilized movement should withdraw any money and support for this employers' party and instead as it acts on the steps explained above it should set up a mass working peoples' political party to represent our interests. The employers' have two parties, the Republicans and the Democrats. We working class people must have one of our own.

#The left and radical movement has a role to play also. We must link with the union rank and file and form "No More PATCO Committees," the role of these would be to bring together all the forces that reject defeat and go for victory as explained above. And the resources of these committees to be orientated to the rank and file of the union movement and to the communities to mobilize these broader forces into action.

#No More PATCOS: For Victory in Madison and everywhere we are under attack.

#Throw back the employers' offensive. Move onto an offensive of our own.

Please copy and forward as widely as possible, please try and set up the "Not another Patco" committees in your workplace or Union.

Contact us if you want to work with us to make these ideas a reality.

1 comment:

gary said...

it is my opinion as i have stated before on this website,that the right has so much power at this point and such a lock (or purchase of government) on the way government works that nothing, NOTHING will change without massive protests that may potentially include civil disobedience that may result in violence ... i could be wrong and peaceful protests may win the day... but any past study of labor history when inequality was at Gilded Age levels tells a different story

now i am not advocating violence... it just appears that the plutocrats have no intention of giving up their gains without such unfortunate occurrences

now a great reference book to see where the fascists intend to take this country is to read Nell Irvin Painter's "Standing at Armageddon"

recently brought back in print ... just read the introduction to the book and you will see the battles that were waged over a century ago.
The only thing that moved progressive change forward at that time was the fear amongst the bourgeois of worker class violence

the owners of this website are of course free to disagree and not publish my comment...

BUT you Have to read history to understand where we are today