Devastation everywhere. There can be tens if not hundreds of thousands dead.
The nuclear events in Japan are a catastrophe for the Japanese people. They are caused by the profit driven privately owned nuclear industry and their bought and paid for politicians. It breaks my heart to see the human suffering every day. Two or three times a day I break out in tears. These poor people are suffering because of the decisions made by capitalists, their capitalist politicians and in the context of the "values" of their capitalist system. Our blog condemns them with all its power.
I think of the owners of the companies responsible and their politicians. The Tokyo Power Electric Company (TPEC) for example. These people are walking around in their silk suits. They should be in handcuffs and locked up. They and their mouthpieces have been assuring us that nuclear power is safe. Maybe there should be a law that any owner or shareholder of a nuclear power company has to live within 200 yards of the plant they own. After all according to them it is safe. What is the problem? Maybe they should even have to work in it. Then we would see what was true and not true. The owners of TEPC are said by CNN to be "close" to the Japanese government and previous Japanese governments. HHmmmm. "close to." Yes alright "close to." That is a good one. Briber of Japanese governments is more accurate.
And look at what else is going on. The PM of Japan recently led a junket of nuclear power company owners to Vietnam to try and sell plants there. Amongst them? The chief executive and owner of TEPC. So they are spreading the nuclear dangers to other countries in the area. There are already over 400 nuclear power plants at work worldwide. A recipe for more disasters.
As soon as the catastrophe hit in Japan hundreds of US criminal lobbyists, that is bribers, from the nuclear industry stampeded to Washington DC. They brought their bags of money with them. Their purpose? To bribe the US politicians to keep pushing the line, to push the lie, that "nuclear power is safe." Obama insists that his nuclear power push, he is pushing for twenty more power stations to be built in the US. He has received money from the nuclear power industry. He cites Japan as a model. That is a good one. Then we have Republican Senator Alexander who also gets money, gets bribed, by the nuclear power industry. He is calling for the building of 100 more nuclear power plants in the US. There are already 104 nuclear plants in the US and half of them are over 30 years old. And some are on earthquake prone fault lines. It is only a matter of time.
Socialism will have a huge clean up job to do when it takes over on a world scale. Closing down the dirty and dangerous power generating industries, cutting back on the consumption of energy, and developing a new energy system with sustainable new clean energy from the sun, the wind, the rivers, the oceans. This is what we will have to do. But we will be able to do it. We the working class working collectively can achieve miracles.
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