Friday, March 11, 2011

Israeli leftists accuse new security adviser of fascistic leanings

Yaakov Amidror
Israel's new national security adviser, Yaakov Amidror is an interesting fellow. He has been labeled a fascist by some of his critics for comments he's been making. Some leftist Israeli's, including politicians and  academics have even issued a public letter opposing his appointment due to his "fascistic" views.He has been compared to Rabbi Dov Lior, who supported the killing of non-Jews in a book he wrote.

Apparently, Amidror said that in a normal army, any soldier that is "scared" to "charge forward" should be shot in the head. "An army must kill anyone who stands in its way.",  Amidror says, which is technically true I guess; what else are armies for?  It simply depends if its an army of liberation or an army of subjugation I suppose.  This is to deter any young Israeli that might consider  refusing orders to kill those bad Palestinians in Gaza or the West Bank who object to being driven out of their homes or off their land. "It appears we are dealing with the creation of a Lior-Amidror axis…threatening to endorse lethal harm to Palestinian children as well as hesitant Israeli boys.", the letter says.

Amidror says the remark about shooting reluctant soldiers in the head was taken out of context and is merely part of an anti-semitic campaign against him.

The letter adds that, "The immoral and unreasonable appointment of Amidror…again proves that we should not believe even one word uttered by Netanyahu. His lips promise peace while his hands start a fire." The signatories recently published several letters condemning the "fascist" moves undertaken by the Netanyahu-Lieberman government, says Y Net news.

This shouldn't surprise any of us as Israel has even required Chinese immigrant workers to sign papers promising they will not have relations with Jewish women.

Amidror's appointment still has to be confirmed by the government.

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