Monday, March 14, 2011

Capitalism's nuclear nightmare.

The devastated area in Japan with the escaping steam from nuclear explosions.

My friend asked me last night, he is not too political: "But why do they keep building these plants when they know they are so dangerous." It is a good question. It is a question any sensible person would ask. It goes to the heart of what we explain on this blog. Capitalism does not work. It is an insane system. Capitalism is mad. Think about it.

Capitalism has been told for decades that nuclear power cannot be made safe. It is impossible to guarantee against accidents and meltdowns. Impossible. Yet the capitalist class keep building and building. And the more of them they build the more accidents will happen. What is going on here? Let us be clear. On the basis of capitalism what is happening in Japan will be repeated time after time in the future.

The issue is not complicated. There is profit and big profit in the nuclear industry. This is what is going on. And where there is profit capitalism will have its dirty fingers. And to hell with any and all dangers. To hell with the deaths of tens of thousands of people and the destruction of hundreds of thousands of lives. As long as there is profit capitalism will steam ahead and ignore all other issues.

Look at something else which confirms this analysis. The destruction of the environment. Capitalism has been told for decades that this is going on and life on earth as we know it and the species is threatened. So what does capitalism do? It mobilizes its forces to deny that it is even happening and so it steams ahead to the destruction of the planet if capitalism continues to exist. Capitalism is mad. Its own leaders, its own multi billionaires will go down with the destroyed planet and the nuclear catastrophes. But still it steams ahead. Many people think well they must know something we do not or they would not be doing what they do. But this is not true. It is just that these people are true addicts. And their addiction is to profit.

one of the things that allows capitalism to get away with its crimes is that people cannot contemplate that the slick liars that run the system are in fact addicts, and that they are addicted to profit. People cannot contemplate that anybody would be so mad as to do what it does. But capitalism and the capitalism class are addicted to profit. Like all addicts they and their system are totally self destructive and destructive of all those around them. Yes we had the earth quake and tsunami. Natural disasters even though we have to keep our minds open to the possibility that environmental change may be involved here also. But if it was not for the addicts of capitalism building nuclear plants on earthquake prone areas we would not be having this catastrophe to the extent that we are. Capitalism is a mad addictive system, run by mad addicts addicted to profit and more profit and more profit. They will not stop. They have to be stopped.

Capitalism does not work. We appeal to readers of this blog to contact us and work together to end capitalism. The future of the species and life on earth are what is at stake.


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